Sex, Drugs and Oral Cancer… Dr Timothy Hodgson


Understand the mouth is an important in sexual practice and drug misuse but these are both associated with risk.

SKU: 02-PL3-04 Category: Tag:


The mouth plays an important role in sexual practice and the administration of recreational drugs. Sexually transmitted diseases can have oral presentations which should by identifiable by the dentist hygienist and therapist and referred appropriately. Some viral infections are increasingly likely to play a role in the aetiology of oral cancer. Many individuals use a variety of recreational drugs which may present mucosal lesions or complicate dental treatment. There are number of potentially malignant mucosal lesions which if identified may save lives and improve quality of life Early removal of these lesions with continued specialist review may prevent cancer development.

Learning Outcomes
• Understand the mouth is an important in sexual practice and drug misuse but these are both associated with risk
• Identify orofacial symptoms and signs of sex, sexually transmitted diseases and drug misuse
• Become aware the role of viruses in oral cancer and how this may be prevented
• Consider how potentially malignant lesions may present and how to refer effectively

Dr Tim Hodgson
Tim Hodgson, consultant in Oral Medicine/Honorary Senior Lecturer, was appointed Clinical Director at the Eastman Dental Hospital UCLH Foundation NHS Trust, January 2014. He has 80 citations in peer reviewed journals and he was awarded an honorary FGDP(UK) ad eundem in March 2008 in recognition of developing Structured Clinical Reasoning for the new MJDF examination an innovative assessment tool of applied understanding in dentistry. He has lectured in the USA, Europe, Australia, the Middle East, India and UK on Oral Medicine and medical problems in dentistry.

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