EverTechnology recorded 36 sessions of the 2022 conference of the 2022 Australian Pain Society 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting.
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Image | Name | Price | Quantity | Buy | SKU | Session | Content |
![]() | APS 2022 – Complete set of all Sessions | $219.00 – $399.00 | | APS2022-COMPLETE | APS 2022 Conference Recordings - complete set of all 36 sessions Available as MP4 files of slides and synchronised audio OR as MP3 audio files. | ||
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1D – Formulating self-management strategies for persistent pain conditions | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-16 | Topical | This session will facilitate clinicians' providing clear and consistent pain information to their patients in keeping with the patients' attitude; this could, in turn, remove barriers to self-management. We will also consider the challenges of delivering effective educational interventions and in socio-economically disadvantaged settings and suggest how clinicians may be able to adapt care strategies to better meet the needs of those at risk of the poorest outcomes. Pain education interventions consist of target concepts. The majority of these have been developed in a “top-down” manner, relying largely on conceptual models and formulated by clinicians and researchers. We provide a “bottom up” approach, by establishing which target concepts in pain education interventions are most important to those who live well with persistent pain. Understanding patient attitudes towards pain education could help clinicians provide effective patient education. Evaluating attitudes toward pain education that reflect self-management behaviours could help prioritise which messages are provided in clinical consultations. Particular challenges arise when providing pain care for people from disadvantaged settings – educational interventions are frequently ineffective. This session will provide insights into the role of social determinants of health in persistent pain and discuss the need to consider health equity to reduce the burden of persistent pain. Speakers: Edel O'Hagan, Centre For Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Hayley Leake, Centre For Pain IMPACT, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Dr Emma Karran, IIMPACT in Health, Allied Health and Human Performance, SA | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 2 - Latest News from the Lab - Experimental Pain Studies | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-32 | Free Paper | Professor Maree Smith, The University Of Queensland, QLD: Anti-allodynic efficacy of the small molecule somatostatin receptor subtype 4 agonist, J-2156, in a rat model of painful diabetic neuropathy Miss Marissa Sgro, Monash University, VIC: Gut microbiome depletion and repetitive mild traumatic brain injury differentially alter pain sensitivity in adolescent and adult rats Ms Sabrina Salberg, Monash University, VIC: The impact of early life adversity on the chronicity of pain, inflammation, and microglia in the adolescent brain Dr Flavia Di Pietro, Curtin University, WA: An investigation of tactile acuity in acute experimental limb pain Mr Lewis Crawford, The University Of Sydney, NSW: Distinct cortico-midbrain connectivity patterns mediate placebo responsivity in healthy humans Dr Nathan Fiore, University Of New South Wales, NSW: Interleukin-35 relieves mechanical pain via inhibiting microglial activation following nerve injury | |
![]() | Acute Pain Day AM - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-01 | Workshop | Join us in this broad-based workshop to suit all knowledge levels and a variety of specialist areas with a multi-disciplinary focus in the field of Acute Pain Management. The aim is to share information, evidence, and our experiences with a focus on a pragmatic approach to optimise our practice. Issues pertinent to today’s challenges will be presented with opportunities to discuss and propose solutions to our greatest problems. It will help update our core knowledge, as well as find ways to move forward in this constantly challenging and vital area of medical care. Welcome and Introduction 0830 - 0840 Dr Luke Murtagh -Welcome and introduction Session 1 Chair: Dr Nina Loughman 0840 – 0910 Dr Chris Orlikowski - Acute Pain Management in the patient with chronic pain 0910 – 0940 Dr Trudi Disney & Ms Marjan Van Velzen - Complex Acute Pain Service patient pathway: Applying a structure to the challenging aps patient 0940 – 1010 Dr Viet Tran - The challenges of Analgesia Management in the Emergency Department Session 2 Chair: Dr Christine Huxtable 1100 – 1135 Dr Charlotte Heldreich - PeriOperative Pain Management, Education and Deescalation (POPPMED) Service: effecting change by challenging the paradigms 1135 – 1210 Dr Amit Ganguly - Gabapentinoids – Preventing pain or causing a new crisis? | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1E – The National Pain Management Education Strategy for Health Practitioners - Translating strategy into action | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-17 | Topical | It is essential that health professionals are well supported by quality pain management education during entry-to-practice programs, and throughout their careers, to ensure the delivery of high quality, evidence-based care, and optimum health outcomes for the community. The Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health, embarked on a project in 2020 to develop a national strategy for pain management education. The strategy addresses a key priority within the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management and provides a high level ‘roadmap’ for developing and delivering pain management education across health disciplines for the next 5 – 10 years. The final strategy is the result of an in-depth literature review and extensive stakeholder consultation which encompassed a broad range of health disciplines and included participants from across Australia. There was special attention paid to ensuring the voices of rural and remote, indigenous, and culturally and linguistically diverse communities were captured and incorporated. This workshop will provide participants with an early preview of the final strategy and an opportunity to workshop with other health professional educators, from a range of discipline areas, in considering how it can be translated into practice in their own educational environment. Speakers: A/Professor Michael Vagg, Pain Matrix, VIC Leone English, Faculty of Pain Medicine, VIC | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 3 - Opioids - Challenges and Recommendations | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-33 | Free Paper | Ms Ria Hopkins, UNSW Sydney, NSW: Self-reported challenges obtaining ongoing prescription opioids among Australians with chronic non-cancer pain Mr Michael Magee, University of Sydney: Development of a mobile health intervention to support people with chronic pain during opioid taperin: A co-design approach Ms Amy McNeilage, The University Of Sydney, NSW: Expectations and motivations for opioid tapering in patients with chronic pain: A qualitative study Professor Paul Glare, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW: Pain catastrophising is associated with high-dose opioids in patients with cancer-related pain Ms Amelia Mardon, University Of South Australia, SA: Treatment recommendations for the management of persistent pelvic pain: A systematic review of international clinical practice guidelines Dr Gerardo Arwi, Fiona Stanley Hospital, WA: Effect of Guideline Implementation on Consumption, Storage, and Disposal Patterns of Unused Prescribed Opioids: An Analysis of 200 Surgical Patients | |
![]() | Acute Pain Day PM - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-02 | Workshop | Join us in this broad-based workshop to suit all knowledge levels and a variety of specialist areas with a multi-disciplinary focus in the field of Acute Pain Management. The aim is to share information, evidence, and our experiences with a focus on a pragmatic approach to optimise our practice. Issues pertinent to today’s challenges will be presented with opportunities to discuss and propose solutions to our greatest problems. It will help update our core knowledge, as well as find ways to move forward in this constantly challenging and vital area of medical care. Session 3 Chair: Ms Tammy Sheahan 1330 – 1355 Dr Ianthe Boden - No pain before gain? Impact of analgesia on early ambulation after major surgery 1355 – 1410 Ms Vanessa Bakker - The increasing role of psychological services in acute pain management 1410 – 1440 Ms Emma Kinman - Establishing an acute pain service. Governance, policies, and other tips Session 4 Chair: Dr Luke Murtagh 1530 – 1610 Mr Peter Boyles - DORA and the Tasmanian experience 1610 – 1655 Panel Discussion 1655 – 1700 Dr Luke Murtagh - Closing comments | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1F – Caring for our older adults – A multidisciplinary update on pain in the elderly | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-18 | Topical | This topical session will provide the you with an update on the management of pain in the older adult. You will refresh your skills in the assessment and management of pain in clients with delirium and dementia, know what pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions to use when caring for our older clients and examine the evidence base behind current and potential physiotherapy interventions to promote mobility and function for those in residential aged care facilities. Speakers: Dr Frederick Graham, Princess Alexandra Hospital, QLD Ms Karalyn Hushagen, KH Pharmacy Consulting, QLD Dr Emre Ilhan, Macquarie University, NSW | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 4 - Cranial and Cervical Pain; Focus on Migraine & Whiplash | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-34 | Free Paper | Dr Jo Dudeney, Macquarie University, NSW: Does one size fit all? Transdiagnostic psychological interventions for adults with headache conditions Dr Noemi Meylakh, University Of Sydney, NSW: Investigating hypothalamic and brainstem pain circuitries in chronic migraine using ultra-high resolution magnetic resonance imaging Dr Rutger de Zoete, The University Of Adelaide, SA: Aerobic versus strengthening exercise therapy for individuals with chronic whiplash associated disorder: A randomised multiple baseline single case experimental design study Dr Carrie Ritchie, University Of Queensland, QLD: Habitual physical activity levels of individuals with chronic whiplash associated disorder compared with aged-matched healthy controls Mrs Aimie Peek, University Of Sydney, NSW: Levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the anterior cingulate cortex increases as people’s symptoms of chronic migraine improve Dr Jo Dudeney, Macquarie University, NSW: Are psychological interventions efficacious for adults with migraine? A systematic review and meta-analysis | |
![]() | Basic Pain Research - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-03 | Workshop | This workshop will showcase the latest in Australian basic pain research from early career and senior researchers, and provide a forum to discuss mechanisms of nociception and pain across all levels of investigation: from molecular and cellular analyses, to studies in animals and humans (pre-clinical or clinical). This workshop is open to all interested in mechanisms of nociception and pain, including basic and clinical researchers, health professionals and students at all levels. This year the BPR SIG is providing opportunity for PhD students to compete in an in person three-minute thesis competition at our pre-conference workshop. PhD students have suffered from lack of opportunity to present and network, and we would like support them as much as possible. | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2A – Exploring the use of innovative technology for the assessment and treatment of pain | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-19 | Topical | Emerging technologies, such as virtual reality and brain-computer interfaces, are creating new possibilities for assessing and treating pain. This session will explore exciting new research findings from Australian leaders in the pain-technology nexus, spanning virtual reality to brain-computer interfaces to telehealth. Importantly, this session will also have an interactive component providing you the opportunity to experience these technologies yourself! Dr Dan Harvie will begin by presenting his work exploring the use of virtual reality as a novel means of both assessment and treatment in chronic pain. He will share new data on the use of VR to reduce pain evoked by visually-simulated touch in complex regional pain syndrome as well as the potential benefits of virtual body swapping in people with chronic back pain. A/Prof Sylvia Gustin will then discuss her recent work exploring the therapeutic benefit of neuromodulation and of immersive VR in people with chronic neuropathic pain. She will also discuss findings supporting the use of internet-delivered psychological treatment that incorporates emotional skills training. Following a question and answer period, participants will have a chance to try out the programs discussed, as well as take part in other brain-bending experiences, such as the rubber hand illusion. Speakers: Dr Daniel Harvie, Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, QLD A/Professor Sylvia Gustin, University of New South Wales and Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Dr Negin Hesam-Shariati, University of New South Wales and Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Mrs Nell Norman-Nott, University of New South Wales and Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 5 - Rethinking and Deep Thinking about Service Provision & Outcomes | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-35 | Free Paper | Dr Melita Giummarra, Alfred Health, VIC: A mixed methods evaluation of group pain management programs using telehealth during the COVID-19 pandemic Dr Tania Gardner, St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney, NSW: Telephone support improves early engagement with a web-based pain program – a randomized controlled trial investigating the effect of adjunct telephone support on adherence and outcomes of the “Reboot Online” pain management program Dr Amelia Searle, Flinders Medical Centre, SA: Exploring the views of people failing to attend introductory group pain education sessions Dr Andrew Claus, Tess Cramond Pain and Research Centre, QLD: Identifying the gaps to close: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s profile from the electronic persistent pain outcomes collaboration Mr Mustafa Atee, The Dementia Centre, Hammondcare, WA: Pain and behaviours and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): An association study from Australian dementia-specific behaviour support programs Ms Ria Hopkins, UNSW Sydney, NSW: Understanding the accessibility of pain management and other health services by Australians living with chronic pain | |
![]() | Fundamentals of Pain - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-04 | Workshop | The Fundamentals of Pain pre-conference workshop is a succinct overview of the physiology, clinical assessment, and clinical management of pain. The workshop is aimed at the general practitioner, specialist, allied health clinician or psychologist looking for an introduction to, or update on, persistent pain management. This workshop is grounded in a biopsychosocial understanding of pain mechanisms and developing a mechanism-based approach to pain assessment and management. This workshop will compliment those with an interest in attending an afternoon session of pharmacology, acute pain or physiotherapy topics. | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2B – Mechanisms and management of osteoarthritis pain: Insights from studies using animal models of osteoarthritis | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-20 | Topical | Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic condition of the joints and underlying bone characterized by swelling, stiffness and pain. While the focus on finding treatments for OA has been on stopping or slowing disease progression, we can make significant improvements to quality of life and economic burden by treating the underlying pain. Identifying new pain targets and translating them into treatments for OA pain is critical to improving quality of life for patients with OA. In this topical session, presenters will share insights from studies that have used animal models to identify mechanisms of OA pain, and test different approaches to managing it. They will also contribute to a panel session that will discuss more broadly the strengths and limitations of using animal models to study OA pain. Speakers: A/Professor Jason Ivanusic, University Of Melbourne, VIC A/Professor Wendy Imlach, Monash University, VIC Dr Sanaa Zaki, University of Sydney, NSW | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 6 - Pain across the Lifespan | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-36 | Free Paper | Professor Jeffery Hughes, Curtin University, WA: PAINCHEK® Infant: Technology to make infant pain visible A/Professor David Champion, Sydney Children`s Hospital, NSW: A history of iron deficiency is associated with primary and chronic pain disorders in children and adolescents, and in adults Mr Michael Ferraro, Neuroscience Research Australia, SA: Implanted spinal neuromodulation interventions for chronic pain in adults Mr Tom Su, University Of New South Wales, NSW: Ionic direct current-mediated peripheral neuromodulation as a potential therapy for chronic neuropathic pain Mr Kevin Wernli, Curtin University, WA: The longitudinal relationship between movement, posture, and persistent, disabling low back pain. A replicated single-case design of 12 people Dr Matthew Jones, UNSW Sydney, NSW: Effects of a single exercise session on pain intensity in adults with chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis | |
![]() | Physiotherapy in Pain Management - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-05 | Workshop | Inter-disciplinary pain management has been the “gold standard” approach for decades. When it works, it is tremendous! But, there are many challenges applying this in practice. From inter-personal difficulties to systemic regulations, achieving strong communication and a united team approach can be hard to achieve. This workshop will look at the benefits and challenges of inter-disciplinary pain management. Attendees will leave this workshop stimulated as to how they could improve this care in their own work setting. | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2C – Promotion of coping in children from everyday to persistent pains | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-21 | Topical | Children's everyday/minor pain experiences can be affected by parental pain experiences and reactions, and this influences the development of children's understanding of and behaviours to minor injury. Researchers at University of South Australia report on the findings of a Delphi study to establish an expert consensus on the key messages and communication strategies for children of different ages that will help them understand pain, injury and promotes recovery and resilience to these everyday experiences at different age groups. In our hospitals and clinics, infants and children continue to experience procedural pain as a result of their healthcare needs. In the second part of this session we will review practical evidence-based options to reduce the pain and promote coping associated with painful procedures in children In the final section we will discuss Comfort-Ability, a brief cognitive behavioural therapy intervention, initially developed at Boston Children’s Hospital, and now being delivered at the Perth Children’s Hospital and Adelaide Women and Children’s Hospital both in-person and by telehealth formats. Clinicians will describe their early experience of developing and delivering this program for the Australian system which aims to promote positive coping strategies for those children with persistent pain. Speakers: Dr Sarah Wallwork, University of South Australia, SA Dr Dianne Crellin, Royal Children's Hospital, VIC Ms Anna Hilyard, Perth Children's Hospital, WA Tegan Starr, Women & Children’s Hospital, SA | |
![]() | Pharmacology in Pain Management - Pre Conference Workshop | $20.00 – $40.00 | | APS2022-06 | Workshop | The intended audience includes GPs, Pharmacists, Specialists and other Allied Health professionals with interest in pharmacology and its application in persistent pain within the clinical setting. In line with the IASP Global year of translating knowledge into practice, this interactive workshop will focus on the evidence-based learnings of nociplastic pain conditions. It will explore, pharmacological, complementary medicines and the possible correlations of the gut microbiome in chronic pain conditions. We’ll also explore the evidence of placebo response and techniques and its influential role in each of our interactions with patients having a magnifying (or inhibiting) the powerful medication we dispense. The workshop will include a case study for practical application of principles that will be addressed by the various expert speakers. There will be opportunities for questions and networking with peers, so that current evidence-based knowledge can be optimised and translated in everyday practice. | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2D – Translating knowledge of neuroscience & clinical characteristics of chronic headache into practice | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-22 | Topical | The global burden of disease study urged future research to focus on understanding new mechanisms that explain chronic headache persistence and treatment responsiveness. In this session we bring together a team comprising a neuroscientist, biochemist/ MR physicist together with our clinician – researcher physiotherapists. We will discuss our recent studies that have investigated; i) brain biomarkers using advanced neuroimaging (fMRI and MRS) and ii) clinical characteristics (neck muscle function and pain sensitivity) and their association with headache persistence and recovery. Discussion and examples of how this knowledge can be translated into clinical practise will be provided using case studies. The session will conclude with a panel discussion. A/Prof Trudy Rebbeck (specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist) will provide a brief overview of chronic headache and migraine and introduction of case studies to flow through the session. Prof Luke Henderson (neuroscientist) will discuss work in advanced neuroimaging and evidence of brain changes, consistent with the hypothesis that endogenous analgesic circuits changes, are critical for migraine generation. Prof Graham Galloway (biochemist and MR physicist ) will discuss neurospectroscopy which offers a window into the biochemical tissue profile, to identify aberrant neurochemistry. Elevated GABA+ in patients experiencing chronic pain, including migraine and level variations may allow stratification to identify responders to new therapies. Dr Julia Treleaven (musculoskeletal physiotherapist) will present on the clinical characteristics and how to identify different causes of neck pain in migraine. Together with neuroscience outcomes this knowledge may facilitate understanding of different mechanisms of neck pain in recurrent headache. To close the session A/Prof Trudy Rebbeck will summarise the relationship between brain neurochemistry and clinical characteristics and provide real examples of clinical translation in the management of chronic headache. The session will end with a 30 minute interactive panel discussion regarding the future to help identify treatment responders and/ or understand central and peripheral drivers of the headache experience. Speakers: A/Prof Trudy Rebbeck, University of Sydney, NSW Professor Luke Henderson, University of Sydney, NSW Professor Graham Galloway, University of Queensland, QLD Dr Julia Treleaven, University of Queensland, QLD | |
![]() | Plenary 1 – Hutchinson, Thorn | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-07 | Plenary | Plenary 1 IASP GLOBAL YEAR NAMED LECTURE Professor Mark Hutchinson: Bench-to-Boardroom Science: The Neuroimmunopharmacology journey of nanoscale to systems biology impact; Professor Beverly Thorn: Cognitive-Behavioral Approaches for the Hard to Reach patient with Pain: Issues of Education, Literacy, and Disparity | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2E – Diagnosis, management and lived experience of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-23 | Topical | In recent years, research into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) has grown considerably, however, uncertainties surrounding its presentation, management and lived experience remain. Our recent research aims to resolve these ambiguities. The challenges in treating CRPS are widely recognised. A broad range of pharmacological, physical and psychological treatments are used, and a multimodal approach is endorsed by clinical guidelines. Despite these recommendations, there are no interventions supported by high-quality evidence. Our research reviews the evidence for all interventions for CRPS to provide an updated framework for its management. However, what CRPS patients think about treatments, advice and management has received remarkably little attention. These perspectives are of critical importance - as clinicians and researchers, we must prioritise patient perspectives and negotiate the tricky path between evidence for, and popularity of, different treatments. We have investigated what people with CRPS value in their treatments and the web-availability of information and advice about CRPS that is consistent with guidelines. Our session will present an overview of all interventions for CRPS, outline a contemporary framework for its diagnosis and treatment, and explore the information people with CRPS can readily access and what they think is important in its management. Speakers: Michael Ferraro, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW Professor Eric Visser, University of Notre Dame Australia, WA Emily Moore, University of South Australia, SA | |
![]() | Plenary 2 – Rice, Medicinal Cannabis Debate | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-08 | Plenary | Plenary 2 Professor Andrew Rice: Cannabinoid Analgesia: What Is The Evidence For Benefit And Harm? RAPID COMMUNICATION SESSION; Debate: Is Medicinal Cannabis the next opioid crisis? Perspectives on pain, people and policy | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 2F – Clinical Session: Year of Translating Pain Knowledge to Practice Inaugural Session | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-24 | Topical | The APS is delighted to showcase its first Clinical Stream Topical Session at the Hobart ASM. The multi-disciplinary team from Hobart’s Persistent Pain Service session will provide delegates with an example of best-practice assessment methods used by the doctor, physiotherapist and psychologist, for a typical complex chronic pain patient example. They will demonstrate how they address the biopsychosocial components of the patient pain experience in establishing optimum patient-centred care, using team discussion and patient engagement. Speakers: Dr Hilton Francis, Persistent Pain Service, TAS Michelle Wilson, Persistent Pain Service, TAS Helen Pryer, Persistent Pain Service, TAS | |
![]() | Plenary 3 – Thorn, Barry, 2020 – 2022 APS Distinguished Member Award/s | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-09 | Plenary | Plenary 3 SUNDERLAND LECTURE - Professor Beverly Thorn: Helping Patients Use the Brain as an Ally in Chronic Pain Self-Management TESS CRAMOND LECTURE - Dr Christine Barry: Translating pain science to practice for women’s health 2020 – 2022 APS Distinguished Member Award/s | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3A – How (and how well) does pain-related education work? Balancing pragmatism with the rigor of shams | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-25 | Topical | What is the appropriate amount of enthusiasm we should have for pain-related education based on the available evidence and resources? Research into pain-related education is rapidly accelerating. Comparisons between different types of educational interventions (e.g. ‘real vs placebo’ pain science education) and also between iterations of educational resources (e.g. version 1 vs version 5) are complex and challenging to conduct. In this session, each speaker will unravel different challenges in pain-related education: Dr Adrian Traeger will explore the development of an ideal educational control group in a research trial of acute low back pain; A/Prof Tasha Stanton will discuss the use of a non-education sham control to account for therapist time/attention used in a feasibility study of painful knee osteoarthritis; Dave Moen will explore an iterative approach to educational resource development in chronic pain; and Dr Joshua Pate will explore how participants can be ‘their own control’ in a Single Case Experimental Design (SCED) study evaluating educational children’s books compared to sham. At the end of the session there will be a Q&A discussing how well pain-related education works and how to best balance rigor with pragmatism in future projects, so that truly effective (and excellent) resources are developed to facilitate optimal patient outcomes. Speakers: Dr Adrian Traeger, University of Sydney, NSW A/Prof Tasha Stanton, University of South Australia, SA Dave Moen, Form Physiotherapy, SA | |
![]() | Plenary 4 – Alcock, Rapid Communication Session, Rice | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-10 | Plenary | Plenary 4 Dr Mark Alcock: Adolescents and Young Adults with pain: Health, wellbeing and transitions RAPID COMMUNICATION SESSION Professor Andrew Rice: Update on diagnosis and clinical assessment of patient with neuropathic pain | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3B – Pain in Multiple Sclerosis | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-26 | Topical | Chronic pain is highly prevalent in multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic, inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system. In this topical session, we will present a perspective of people living with MS-related pain, pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of pain in MS. A/Prof Desmond Graham will outline the presentation of pain in people with MS, current treatment options, and the impact of pain on an individual’s quality of life. Pain associated with Des’s MS is his major burden of the disease. He will discuss his own pain journey, how it presents, his treatments and the impact on him and his family. Dr Jamie Young will present three studies relating to non-pharmacological management of chronic pain in MS (case study). Prof Maree Smith will present her work on establishing a new mouse model of MS, characterised by a discordance between motor and sensory symptoms, and findings on novel agents with the potential to alleviate MS-associated central neuropathic pain. Speakers: A/Professor Desmond Graham, MS Australia, NSW Dr Jamie Young, University of Melbourne, VIC Emeritus Professor Maree Smith, University of Queensland, QLD | |
![]() | Plenary 5 – Bryant, Rapid Communication Session, Nielsen, Traeger | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-11 | Plenary | Plenary 5 Dr Matthew Bryant: First Nations Peoples and Pain: we have a lot to learn RAPID COMMUNICATION SESSION A/Professor Suzanne Nielsen: Where are we now? The changing nature of prescription opioid-related harms and an update on the impact of recent policy changes in Australia Rising Star Award Winner: Dr Adrian Traeger: Overdiagnosis of low back pain | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3C – Understanding the impact of contextual factors on individual-level response to pain and its treatment | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-27 | Topical | The biopsychosocial model is the widely held conceptualisation of pain. While a wealth of research supports the important role of converging biological and psychological factors in pain, the interconnected role of the social contextual frame in which they are occurring has been somewhat neglected in recent years of research. The first speaker, Professor Hutchinson will highlight the important role of pre-injury/pain contextual factors by presenting research from a biological perspective of the impact of prior life events on pain phenotype. Professor Sterling, the second speaker, will then explore the influence of a traumatic versus non-traumatic context at the point of injury, linking biological processes with the occurrence of co-morbid post-traumatic stress disorder. The third speaker, Associate Professor Day, will present data from a recently completed randomised controlled trial to elucidate the contextual role of the therapeutic learning environment and social learning processes during psychological treatment. Thus, this session will examine the role of context at pre-injury, the role of context at the point of injury, and the role of context at post-injury during treatment. The findings that will be discussed therefore have implications for the prevention of chronic pain and co-morbidities, as well as treatment optimisation. Speakers: Professor Mark Hutchinson, University of Adelaide, SA Professor Michele Sterling, University of Queensland, QLD A/Professor Melissa Day, University of Queensland, QLD | |
![]() | Plenary 6 – Kamper, Graham, Cops for Kids, Award Presentations, Close | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-12 | Plenary | Plenary 6 Professor Steve Kamper: Pain, Health and Lifestyle A/Professor Brett Graham: Refurbishing the pain gate: An updated view of the spinal modules that process our sensory world Cops for Kids Clinical Research Grant - Hayley Leake: Co-designing a social media campaign to improve pain science literacy for adolescents Conference Award Presentations – Best Paper, Poster, Rapid Communication Invitation to 2023 Conferences & Conference Close | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3D – Pain mechanism matters | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-28 | Topical | Pain is a personal experience that differs for every individual. There is no one-size-fits all treatment. Instead, personalised pain management is likely to be the key. How can this be achieved? Amongst the features that characterise an individual’s pain experience are an array of neurobiological processes. These processes are diverse. They not only influence the presentation of pain, but also the likely success of treatments. Unravelling the understanding and identification of mechanisms is a critical step towards personalisation of care. This session will consider three key issues regarding this challenge. First, it is critical to consider that there are different pathways to chronicity, and novel brain imaging paradigms are beginning to reveal different pain mechanism biomarkers such as modified glial cell function. Second, how psychosocial and lifestyle factors impact and relate to an individual’s pain experience depends on the underlying pain mechanism, such that two individuals challenged in a similar manner may have very difference responses. Third, for personalisation of pain management to be based on pain mechanism, it must be identifiable in clinical practice. Classification of pain into nociceptive, neuropathic and nociplastic mechanisms has been proposed, but is it possible to identify and discriminate between these in clinical practice. Speakers: Professor Luke Henderson, University of Sydney, NSW Dr David Klyne, University of Queensland, QLD Paul Hodges, University of Queensland, QLD | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1A – Placebo and nocebo from the lab to the hospital: State of the field and implementing procedures to drive | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-13 | Topical | This session will be split into two parts. First, five early and mid-career researchers will briefly summarise the key findings from their specific research fields. Dr Kirsten Barnes will discuss what we have learned about placebo and nocebo effects in experimental settings, including her latest work with virtual reality. Lewis Crawford will outline the specific brain circuitry shown to be involved in placebo and nocebo responses from human imaging studies. Damien Boorman will consider the utility of preclinical models to help discover the neural mechanisms of placebo and nocebo effects as well as trial novel treatment approaches. Dr Natalia Egorova Brumley will explore how observational learning can influence an individual’s placebo and nocebo responses, and Dr Felicity Braithwaite will discuss ethical, evidence-based strategies to harness the benefits of placebo responses in clinical practice. The second part of this session will involve an interactive discussion with our panel members. Here, the audience will have the opportunity to experience a live placebo demonstration, and to participate in crafting patient-clinician interactions designed to maximise placebo and minimise nocebo. Please come ready to share your experiences and insights and help us shape the future of placebo and nocebo research! Speakers: Damien Boorman, University Of Sydney, NSW Dr Kirsten Barnes, University Of Sydney, NSW Lewis Crawford, University Of Sydney, NSW Dr Natalia Egorova Brumley, University of Melbourne, VIC Dr Felicity Braithwaite, University of South Australia, SA | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3E – Digital Health Interventions for Pain Management | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-29 | Topical | Digital health interventions and their applications in various medical conditions are rapidly evolving. From mobile text messaging to advanced artificial intelligence, digital health is revolutionizing healthcare methods and delivery. As fast as it is evolving, consumers and clinicians are facing important questions. What types of interventions are available? Are they effective AND safe? Do consumers engage with these types of interventions? Can we effectively communicate via a digital platform as would be done in person? In this session, we will discuss interesting and important topics about digital health interventions for pain management. We will review and discuss the available evidence on different types of interventions including text messaging and online treatments for pain, including studies done in Australia. We will talk about adherence, how to measure it and how to optimize it; the scalability of digital interventions and improving access to care; how the COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the usage of available interventions; consumer involvement and user experience; how prognosis is currently communicated in digital health and how this knowledge can be applied for pain management? Speakers: Dr Blake Dear, Macquarie University, NSW Dr Tania Gardner, St Vincent's Hospital, NSW Dr Nigel Armfield, University of Queensland, QLD | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1B – New Opportunities: Maximising impact of the acute pain round | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-14 | Topical | The role of the traditional post-surgical inpatient acute pain round is rapidly evolving. This session reviews three highly topical areas - prehabilitation, transitional pain and a review of procedures to consider in this setting - and has three excellent speakers. There is increased awareness of the huge incidence of chronic pain in the hospitals, its enormous impact in terms of suffering, length of stay and cost, and growing interest in the role an expanded pain service can have in addressing all of these for both surgical and medical inpatients. Professor Claire Ashton-James will review and explore prehabilitation, focusing on heart research and strategies to prepare people with chronic pain for upcoming surgical procedures. Dr Guy Buchanan from Victoria co-convened the excellent 2021 FPM/ANZCA ASM pain programme and will review key procedures to consider for the medical patient with poorly controlled chronic pain. Dr Michelle Harris is the state director of the APS from South Australia and also its representative for the FPM and will review one of her areas of interest - the rapidly expanding field of transitional pain services which is designed to intercept people on their pain journey. Speakers: Dr Claire Ashton-James, University of Sydney, NSW Dr Guy Buchanan, Metro Pain, VIC Dr Michelle Harris, Royal Adelaide Hospital, SA | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 3F – Goal setting, cognitive flexibility, and their relationship to adjustment in chronic pain | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-30 | Topical | It is customary for pain management interventions, whether delivered individually or in a group format, to incorporate goal setting as a key component of the intervention package. Approaches such as the SMART goal setting protocol are commonly presented to patients to guide the process of achieving desired outcomes from their pain treatment. However, goal setting and the pursuit of treatment-related goals in chronic pain, is often much more complicated in practice. This workshop will explore a range of clinical and theoretical issues related to goal setting, cognitive flexibility and goal pursuit for patients with chronic pain. From expert insights from experienced pain clinicians (Newton-John, Austin) to the latest research evidence from researchers in this area (Howlett, Roux), at the end of this multidisciplinary workshop the attendee will be able to. Speakers: A/Professor Toby Newton-John, University of Technology Sydney, NSW Tim Austin, Royal Prince Alfred Medical Centre, NSW Caitlin Howlett, Body in Mind Research Group, NSW Lawrence Roux, Sydney Pain Management Centre, NSW | |
![]() | Topical Concurrent Session 1C – Treating Chronic Pain From A Neurobiological Perspective | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-15 | Topical | Over the past 10 years, systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials have found that most common management strategies (e.g., drugs, surgery, acupuncture, etc.) for chronic pain do not provide clinically meaningful reductions in pain or disability and may do severe harm. There is an urgent need to identify alternative approaches to managing chronic pain. Research investigating the contribution of altered neural processing to the chronic pain experience has suggested novel treatment approaches for people with chronic pain. Interventions thought to target central nervous system function – conceptual change reinforced with graded sensory and movement programmes – may offer clinically meaningful reductions in pain intensity for adults with chronic pain. Consistent with this approach, our group developed a novel education and graded sensorimotor retraining program, RESOLVE, that employs a framework informed by pain science that directly targets how people think about their body in pain, how the painful area feels to them and how they move and load the painful area. We will present new data on novel treatment strategies to target central nervous system function for people with chronic pain. This will appeal to both clinicians and researchers keen on providing treatments which better align with the biopsychosocial nature of chronic pain. Speakers: Professor James McAuley, University of NSW, NSW Professor Benedict Wand, University of Notre Dame, WA Dr Aidan Cashin, Neuroscience Research Australia, NSW | |
![]() | Free Paper Session 1 - Update on Musculoskeletal Pain | $10.00 – $15.00 | | APS2022-31 | Free Paper | Dr Matthew Jones, UNSW Sydney, NSW:The influence of education on pain responses to acute exercise in people with knee osteoarthritis Ms Erin Macintyre, University Of South Australia, SA: Assessing spatial perception in people with knee osteoarthritis using virtual reality Dr Scott Farrell, University of Queensland, QLD: Developmental trajectories of pain sensitivity and disability following whiplash injury Miss Edel O'Hagan, Neuroscience Research Australia, SA: Does poor sleep quality lead to increased low back pain the following day? Dr Sweekriti Sharma, University of Sydney, NSW: Effect of a waiting room communication strategy on imaging rates and awareness of public health messages for low back pain in the emergency department |
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