Concurrent Sessions – Culture…Sewell, Pannuzzo


Concurrent Sessions – Culture…Sewell, Pannuzzo

SKU: ACSA2019-SESSION24 Category:


Developing a resilient aged care culture. The Warrigal Way – 5 years on.

Mr Mark Sewell1 (Warrigal, Illawarra and Southern Highlands, Australia)



If Peter Drucker is correct and “culture eats strategy for breakfast” how much long term planning and programming have we done to objectively measure the ups and downs of an aged care organisation’s culture?

This presentation will show data from 5 years of staff surveys across the 12 locations in a dispersed NFP regional provider with 1100 staff. The data will bust a few culture myths and set some new rules such as:

– Don’t ask staff what they want.

– Dont expect more than 3 things from staff.

– Keep going despite the resistance.

– Top down is the only way.

The value of the info:

All teams need an intentional culture that attracts the right people and repels the wrong people to achieve organisational success. Warrigal developed the program with the help of an international culture and leadership development firm and calls the 3 behaviours that all its staff must model, all the time, to everyone.. The Warrigal Way.


15 staff surveys over 5 years with extensive trend data showing the progress of the culture journey. It can be fascinating to see different service types, different times of the year, the effects of external events such as the Aged Care Royal Commission etc, all shown to have an effect on a systematic exposure of the culture of the organisation throughout the very interesting journey so far.


Risk and performance: Taking a holistic approach to your workplace culture

Ms Anna Pannuzzo (WorkPlacePLUS, Melbourne, Australia)



It can take 3-5 years to create a long-lasting positive change to workplace culture but only a couple of days to ruin it. It’s important for leadership to be proactive in fostering the workplace culture, rather than letting it evolve without direction or intention. If you ignore your workplace culture, it will turn toxic. That’s why attending to your workplace culture on a regular basis should be a fundamental part of your risk management plan.

A healthy workplace culture allows aged care providers to deliver sustainable, quality services. This presentation outlines how to take a holistic approach to achieving your desired organisational culture, while concurrently addressing standards 6, 7 and 8 of the new Aged Care Quality Standards.


Taking a holistic approach to your workplace culture means looking at the whole picture and using a range of tools and strategies. This presentation introduces six key focus areas for ensuring that your culture and services are continuously improving.

To help you address the new Aged Care Quality Standards, this presentation provides tips and tools on leadership (standard 8 – organisational governance”), workforce (standard 7 – human resources), and communication (standard 6 – feedback and complaints) with a particular focus on effective performance management.

Key Takeaways:

Learning the six key components to a healthy workplace culture

Tips on how to build the right team for your organisation

Advanced communication tools such as the FOCR Feedback Model

Tips for effective performance management

Additional information
