Every team member can add value to the practice – but do you know how?… Ms Andrea Felton


Saturday 4th May, 2:35 PM – 3:20 PM, R7

SKU: ADC2019-14DA Category: Tag:


In this talk we will cover why it is important that every team member is adding value to the practice, how adding value is just as beneficial to the individual’s career as it is to the practice, where and how value can be added and how to implement strategies that create a winning situation for everyone.

Learning Outcomes:

Define what adding value to the practice is.
Assess a team member’s ambassador role, skills and words to see if they are adding or detracting value.

Discuss the actions that could be taken to add value.

Identify ways team members can create winning situations for themselves, the practice and the patients.

Rate how well team members are speaking up and sharing ideas within the practice.

Additional information
