Want more patients? Branding your practice to really stand out… Mr Angus Pryor


Friday 3rd May, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM, Room R6

SKU: ADC2019-07PM Category: Tag:


In the last five years, the number of Australian dentists grew two and half times faster than the Australian population!

Potential clients have more choice than ever, with dentistry increasingly seen as a commodity. Is your only choice to reduce prices?

Fortunately not; there is a solution. Discover simple strategies to get your practice to stand out, grow profits and build your practice identity.

Learning Outcomes:

Recognise why standing out is more critical than ever before
Identify how to tap into the inherent drivers of consumer behaviour to grow your practice
Discover 3 practical strategies to make your practice stand out while still maintaining your unique identity

Additional information
