Topical Concurrent Session 1E – The National Pain Management Education Strategy for Health Practitioners – Translating strategy into action


Topical Concurrent Session 1E

SKU: APS2022-17 Category: Tag:


It is essential that health professionals are well supported by quality pain management education during entry-to-practice programs, and throughout their careers, to ensure the delivery of high quality, evidence-based care, and optimum health outcomes for the community.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine, ANZCA, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health, embarked on a project in 2020 to develop a national strategy for pain management education. The strategy addresses a key priority within the National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management and provides a high level ‘roadmap’ for developing and delivering pain management education across health disciplines for the next 5 – 10 years.

The final strategy is the result of an in-depth literature review and extensive stakeholder consultation which encompassed a broad range of health disciplines and included participants from across Australia. There was special attention paid to ensuring the voices of rural and remote, indigenous, and culturally and linguistically diverse communities were captured and incorporated.

This workshop will provide participants with an early preview of the final strategy and an opportunity to workshop with other health professional educators, from a range of discipline areas, in considering how it can be translated into practice in their own educational environment.

A/Professor Michael Vagg, Pain Matrix, VIC
Leone English, Faculty of Pain Medicine, VIC

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