Topical Concurrent Session 1B – Remote management of chronic pain in adolescents and young adults


APSNZPS 2018: Topical Concurrent Session 1B

SKU: 16-APSNZPS2018 Category:


Topical Concurrent Session 1B: Remote management of chronic pain in adolescents and young adults: Efficacy, challenges, and opportunities
Chair: Dr Matthew Crawford, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, NSW

Psychological and behavioural treatments have potential for decreasing pain and disability in young people and building resilience. However, even where effective treatments have been developed, most young people do not receive effective evidence-based psychological and behavioural interventions for chronic pain management. This burden-service gap is characterized primarily by problems with access; a problem that has led to the consideration of solutions that leverage digital technologies. This symposium will describe the efficacy of remote therapies used to support the management of chronic pain in adolescents and young adults using smartphone applications and the Internet. Professor Palermo and Dr Stinson will present treatment efficacy and feasibility data from clinical trials of remotely delivered interventions in different populations of young people with chronic pain. Dr Slater will identify burden-service gaps, characterise user specific needs, and describe synthesis of current use of mobile health for chronic conditions and recommendations for policy and practice. Presenters will lead a discussion of challenges and opportunities for remote delivery of multimodal (psychological, behavioural and physical) interventions to support better outcomes for young people with chronic pain and their families.

Professor Tonya Palermo, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, USA
Dr Jennifer Stinson, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Canada
A/Professor Helen Slater, Curtin University, WA

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