Topical Concurrent Session 1G – The why, what and how of diet and nutrition for people experiencing chronic pain


APSNZPS 2018: Topical Concurrent Session 1G

SKU: 21-APSNZPS2018 Category:


Topical Concurrent Session 1G: The why, what and how of diet and nutrition for people experiencing chronic pain
Chair: Ms Katherine Brain, University of Newcastle, NSW

Our collaborative team of clinicians at Hunter Integrated Pain Service and nutrition and dietetic researchers at the Priority Research Centre for Physical Activity and Nutrition, The University of Newcastle, have worked to improve the nutrition component of the current multidisciplinary and person-centred approach to chronic pain management. With up to 80% of patients with chronic pain being overweight or obese and likely having multiple comorbidities such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes, nutrition is a potentially modifiable factor in the treatment and management of their pain. Importantly, nutrition can directly modulate the pain experience.

The presenters will discuss the role of nutrition in chronic pain management, current evidence and guidelines on nutrition and pain. This will include an interactive Q&A and expert panel discussion. The topics which will be presented include:
* Why nutrition is an important consideration for people experiencing chronic pain?
* What is the current evidence on nutrition and chronic pain?
* What is an optimal dietary pattern for chronic pain and how should it be assessed?
* How can we integrate nutrition in the pre-existing chronic pain services?
* Panel discussion

Ms Katherine Brain, University of Newcastle, NSW
Professor Clare Collins, University of Newcastle, NSW
A/Professor Tracy Burrows, University of Newcastle, NSW
Dr Chris Hayes, Hunter Integrated Pain Service, NSW

Additional information
