Practising high-quality clinical orthodontics: respecting the evidence… Prof Michael Woods


Decisions regarding smile-aesthetics, lip curvature, extractions, expansion, and Class II correction will all be discussed and illustrated with individual patient treatment records.

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This will be a presentation for all dentists with an interest in contemporary orthodontics, regardless of whether they actually provide active orthodontic treatment in their practices. Michael Woods will use a large body of his own published work to show that an understanding of the relevance of rigorously-focussed clinical research is essential if patients are to be treated to a high standard – at least that which would be aimed for when treating one’s own family members. Decisions regarding smile-aesthetics, lip curvature, extractions, expansion, and Class II correction will all be discussed and illustrated with individual patient treatment records. The key with all of this is to provide clinicians with the ability to make honest treatment decisions and to then take long-term responsibility for the outcomes of those decisions.

Prof Michael Woods
Professor Michael Woods has been the Consultant Orthodontist to the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for 25 years. Involved in a wide range of academic, research and clinical pursuits, he has presented more than 150 lectures world-wide and has made more than a 100 contributions to clinical and scientific literature and introduced new concepts in late mixed-dentition treatment, orthognathic surgery and the clinical implications of different underlying vertical facial patterns.

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