3. Are Artificial Intelligence (AI) and tele-medicine the dental profession’s “Uber” moment?… Dr Grant Duncan


Thursday 2nd May, 8:05 AM – 9:00 AM, HALL E

SKU: ADC2019-1MSP03 Category: Tag:


Doing Invisalign well in general practice is hard to do. It’s not just a matter of inserting some plastic aligners and the magic happens. Case selection, Clincheck design, treatment management and ongoing problem solving are all part of the mix. To fill the void some companies offer part of the pieces, but often dentists get increasingly frustrated as orthodontics is complicated and, without all of the pieces, treatments are compromised, and problems arise. Wouldn’t it be great if you could treat your orthodontic cases in-house, but had a specialist Invisalign orthodontist guiding you at every step along the way? You can, it’s called Artificial Intelligence.

Learning Outcomes:

Understand the types of treatments possible with Invisalign
Learn about the 4 stages that are part of the Invisalign process
Understand the basics of AI, and so it is so well suited to orthodontic treatment
Review a new platform that uses AI to bridge the skill sets of all operators, dentists, hygienists and orthodontists, allowing most dentists to treat the majority of their orthodontic cases in-house.

Additional information
