Digital workflow for prosthetists … Mr Michael Tuckman & Dr John Pearson


Friday 3rd May, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM, R8

SKU: ADC2019-07DP Category: Tag:


Modern dentistry and dental technology are experiencing a significant digital advance, it is safe to say that the digital revolution is here to stay.

This lecture will analyse the pros and cons of current digital denture trends and discuss new concepts that can be used in everyday practice, whether digital or analog, from a historical perspective right through to current day use and future possibilities.

There will be an emphasis on comparing Analog techniques vs. Digital techniques and challenges which may arise in both applications.

An overview of new workflows which aim at closing the loop on the digital dentures and reducing chair time will be discussed.

Learning Outcomes:

Discuss the fundamental elements of current digital denture systems
Discuss new possibilities and limitations
Help prospective participants evaluate which approach is right for them (analog or digital)
Understand how a digital process can reduce chair time

Additional information
