50. Considerations in treatment planning for Immediate Implant Placement… Dr Tony Strangio


Saturday 4th May, 4:00 PM – 4:45 PM, HALL D

SKU: ADC2019-3MSP14 Category: Tag:


Consideration in treatment planning for immediate implant placement Immediate implant placement and restoration was originally considered to be optimal, due to reduced surgical time and psychological advantage of an immediate aesthetic restoration.

The concept has evolved with careful considerations in the surgical and prosthetic phase of therapy.

Single immediate implant placement and restoration in the anterior aesthetic region is considered a complex procedure and involves a thorough knowledge of risk factors and possible long term hard and soft tissue outcomes which my adversely affect aesthetics.

Learning Objectives:

Expose delegates to fundamental treatment planning considerations and risks, while appreciating current high level evidence and long term follow up outcomes.

Additional information
