Topical Concurrent Session 2F – Sleep and pain: A complex interaction
$5.00 – $10.00
Sleep and pain – A complex interaction
Chair: Professor Paul Hodges, University of Queensland, QLD
Pain and sleep interact in complex ways. We all know that pain interferes with sleep, but it is also becoming clear that sleep influences pain, through a variety of mechanisms. Understanding of this relationship is fundamental to treatment of pain. This session aims to highlight the work of three early career researchers who are enhancing our new understanding of the role of sleep in pain. Longitudinal studies of low back pain have identified interactions between sleep quality, nociceptive sensitivity and systemic cytokine responses. Poor sleep quality is associated with increased next day pain, disability and distress. Randomised controlled trials are investigating whether a simple sleep intervention can not only improve sleep quality of patients with acute low back pain but also reduce pain and disability. Laboratory experiments are revealing how the brain response to noxious stimuli, and the likelihood of arousal, varies according to stage of sleep and brain wave or rhythm.
David Klyne, University of Queensland, QLD
Dr Danny Camfferman, Sansom Institute, SA
Edel O’Hagan, Neura
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