Pharmacology in Pain Management – Pre Conference Workshop


APSNZPS 2018 Pre-Conference Workshop: Pharmacology in Pain Management

SKU: 07-APSNZPS2018 Category:


Welcome and
1.30 – 1.35pm Olly Zekry
Clinical Consultant Pharmacist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Workshop opening
Session 1
Chair: Olly Zekry
1.35 – 2.00pm Dr Stephen B. Gibson
Head of Department of Pain Clinic
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Ketamine in the management of chronic
non-cancer pain
2.00 – 2.30pm Professor Ralf Baron
Head of Neurological Pain Research and
Therapy, Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet, Kiel,
Clinical trials for new medications for
neuropathic pain management
2.30 – 3.00pm Professor Stephan Schug
Director of Pain Medicine
Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Australia
Challenging cases in the management of
neuropathic pain
3.00 – 3.30pm AFTERNOON TEA
Session 2
Chair: Olly Zekry
3.30 – 3.50pm Professor Philip Siddall
Head of Pain Clinic
Greenwich Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Update on Pharmacological management
of neuropathic pain
3.50 – 4.10pm Professor Mark Hutchinson
Discipline of Physiology
School of Medical Sciences,
University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Can we objectively quantify pain and
predict personalized medicine?
4.10 – 4.30pm Professor Mark Latt
Consultant Geriatrician
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
Pharmacological management of pain in
the elderly
4.30 – 4.50pm Dr Maria Cigolini
Head of Department of Palliative Care
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney,
Treatment of neuropathic pain in
palliative care patients
4.50 – 5.00pm Olly Zekry
Clinical Consultant Pharmacist
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia

Additional information
