Jumpstart Session 2: Ash Jones, Ari Diskin


Ash Jones – You’re Excellent! But Am I?
Ari Diskin – The Communication Cycle

SKU: DG2017-02 Category:


You’re Excellent! But Am I?

What does it mean to be excellent? And if we are measuring that in terms of someone else’s definition, how do we know? For Ash, the key to excellence lies in defining that according to your values, not someone else’s. But getting to that is the hard part!

Ash Jones is an almost 2nd year student at Murdoch University after completing 1st year part time over 2 years. Ash works as a chiropractic assistant, is a mum of 3 and a wife of a fellow chiropractic student. She first thought about becoming a chiropractor whilst a patient, and the writing was on the wall after her first DGC in 2015 where she enrolled in Chiropractic a week before she started! Ash has worked in many industries from art to food to fashion both nationally and internationally and entered her chiropractic study as a mature age student. She believes her world experience has been vital to keep her focused on her journey, and acknowledge her position to be able to help her fellow students achieve their goals.

The Communication Cycle

Dr Diskin will cover four key points in communication – Creation – Transmission – Reception – Response. This session will ask you questions such as what is the purpose of your message, how is your message received and how effective are our delivery methods.

Dr Ari Diskin is an Australian born, second generation Chiropractor, being one of five Diskin Chiropractors. Ari’s passion is having the privilege to positively influence peoples’ lives. Ari’s chiropractic practice is education centric, providing a full program of further learning opportunities for his clients and community. Ari is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College West and has a degree in Business Management. Ari has held various state and national leadership roles including CAA Victoria Director, CAA Council of Representatives and member of the Clinical Advisory Panel for the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Internationally Ari has been active in various roles, working with political and educational leaders to encourage the advancement and momentum for Chiropractic’s future. Ari has been recognised with multiple state, national and international awards, including Chiropractor of the year 3 times for service to the profession and community.

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