30. Managing the Elderly – a burdensome chore or a window into the successful dental practice of the future… Dr Peter Foltyn


Friday 3rd May, 2:35 PM – 3:20 PM, HALL E

SKU: ADC2019-2MSP15 Category: Tag:


Baby boomers are now 70+ and a completely different cohort to 70yr olds from 40 years ago who were then primarily edentulous. Having natural or restored teeth in later life is beneficial on many levels; however, the implications of oral and dental health deficits in both ageing and systemic health needs to better appreciated by the profession as well as our health regulators. But there is a silver lining.

Learning Outcomes:

To understand the importance of better oral health in the elderly

Preparing your older patient for residential Aged Care

Talking about the elderly to your patients will bring in referrals

Additional information
