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![]() | Welcome… Blunt; Presentation… Colbeck; Diamond Sponsor Address – HESTA | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION01 | Welcome to the 32nd ACSA National Summit: Sara Blunt, Chairperson, ACSA Welcome to Country: Ms Janet Galpin, Boon Wurrung Foundation Priorities for Aged Care: Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck, Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, Minister for Youth and Sport Diamond Sponsor Address: Neil Saxton, Chief Partnerships Officer, HESTA | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Building Capability… Doherty | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION17 | Educating the Aged Care Workforce about Dementia Dr Kathleen Doherty (Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia) Abstract: The University of Tasmania’s Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre offers a suite of programs to address the need for improved dementia knowledge and awareness, particularly for those providing direct care to people with dementia. The free Understanding Dementia Massive Open Online Course (UDMOOC) provides fundamental dementia education about the brain, the diseases and care, and the Bachelor of Dementia Care (BDC) program provides comprehensive dementia care education which enables development of specialised knowledge. The UDMOOC significantly improves knowledge of dementia in the large cohort of care worker participants and some are motivated to progress to the BDC. For care workers who graduate with a BDC no formal role currently exists to capitalise on their unique combination of knowledge and skills. The 2-year Improving Dementia Care Program began in May 2017 in three Tasmanian aged care home sites to explore a potential new role for care worker BDC graduates. From this program, a new aged care role is proposed, the Dementia Care Support Worker, which recognises the strengths of care worker graduates of the BDC Program. This model provides an opportunity for care worker graduates to combine their practical experience of caring for people with dementia in residential aged care with contemporary dementia knowledge and bring this to a peer support role. Key stakeholders have been found to be highly supportive of this type of role, citing its potential to improve staff understanding of dementia and care for residents living with dementia. Statement of the value of the information to the delegates and how it relates to the ACSA Summit. In the context of an ageing population, growing prevalence of dementia, and increased frailty and dependence of aged care home residents, it is imperative that the aged care workforce has the knowledge and capacity to deliver best practice care to people living with dementia. Improving knowledge and awareness of dementia in direct care staff underpins their capacity to deliver care. Evaluation of the programs offered by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre demonstrate their positive impact on the aged care workforce. We collated data on a large cohort of Australian UDMOOC participants whose work sector was residential aged care. From survey responses we examined their motivation for commencing the UDMOOC, interaction with course elements, and knowledge of dementia before and after course completion using the Dementia Knowledge Assessment Scale. Participants overwhelmingly indicated a desire to improve their knowledge of dementia in order to deliver better care for people living with dementia as a key motivating factor. Knowledge of dementia significantly improved on completion of the UDMOOC. Evaluation of the Improving Dementia Care Program has found that management and staff perceive the Dementia Care Support Worker role as an important role with benefits for the care of residents with dementia, such as by providing support for staff to develop dementia care strategies for specific residents. This presentation is relevant to clinical and organisational leaders and other members of the aged care workforce who are striving to meet 21st century healthcare demands associated with an ageing population. | ||
![]() | Panel Session – Royal Commission… Mares, Sparrow, Harcourt, Irlam, Giacomelli, Silk | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION02 | Panel Session – Royal Commission The Aged Care Royal Commission is in full swing and promises to have profound implications for the future shape of aged and community care. What can professionals expect from the Commission’s interim report, due at the end of October? And what might we learn from recent royal commissions into misconduct in the financial services industry and the abuse of children in institutional care? This top-level panel at the 2019 ACSA Summit will bring you up to speed and help you prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Moderator: Peter Mares, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership Panellists: Pat Sparrow, CEO, Aged & Community Services Australia Victor Harcourt, Principal, Russell Kennedy lawyers Corey Irlam, Deputy Chief Executive, COTA Lisa Giacomelli, COO, YMCA NSW Ian Silk, Chief Executive, Australian Super | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Internal Systems… Sherwood, Covino | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION18 | The value of technology in Aged Care – it’s easier than you think Mrs Tammy Sherwood (Person Centred Software, South Melbourne, Australia) Abstract: Presentation synopsis There are many benefits to adopting technology specifically designed for the unique care home environment. These include increased communication between carers, customers and other health professionals to provide complete person-centred care. Technology, however, can be seen to be difficult to implement, manage or use. This talk will look at different technologies, how to go about finding what you need and the value that can be achieved adopting the right technology for you. Key learning aims, objectives and anticipated outcomes for your presentation? Address concerns about how easy technology is to use and how easy it is to adopt What questions to ask a technology supplier to ensure the outcome you want How different solutions can complement one another to help you to drive outstanding person centred care The value of technology in the aged care environment Biography: Tammy has nearly 20 years experience in client engagement and strategic business development in the Health sector. With strong commercial acumen and stakeholder management skills, Tammy has specific expertise in medication management services and clinical software solutions in residential aged care and has undertaken international research in best practice in this area. ==== ARE YOU + YOUR TEAM THRIVING? This is not for the faint-hearted. Mr Robert Covino (Mirus Australia, Pyrmont, Australia) It’s not enough to survive. Your customers want more and so do your staff and the communities in which you operate. So how do you thrive in a rapidly changing world where disruption and increased scrutiny have become business as usual? Mirus Australia’s Co-Founder Rob Covino will share examples of the NFPs who are not just surviving but are thriving. Rob is not promising any answers, in fact, participants will walk away with more questions than answers. But participants will walk away with exactly the right questions to ask their teams. So how on earth did we get here? What are the biggest challenges? Surviving versus thriving. What does this look like exactly? The evolution of the lightbulb + how does it relate to our industry? What can we learn from other Royal Commissions? Who else is getting “bogged down”? Rob will provide examples of the key decisions high performing providers are making regarding marketing & admissions management, revenue and workforce management that are enabling them to thrive. Participants will be empowered to ask their teams new questions and challenge their own daily and strategic decisionmaking which could be impacting their opportunity to thrive. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Home Care… Healy, Gallagher, Millicer | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION03 | Home-based end-of-life care: caring@home resources Sue Healy (Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative, Eight Mile Plains, Australia) Abstract: The majority of Australians say they would prefer to be cared for and, if possible, to die at home, however, more than 50% die in hospital. Many people, in the terminal stage, are admitted to in-patient facilities because their symptoms cannot be adequately controlled at home. caring@home, an Australian Government funded project, represents a person-centred model of care that supports the community-based aged-care population to die at home with optimal symptom control. The project has produced resources for organisations, healthcare professionals and carers to support carers to help manage breakthrough palliative symptoms safely using subcutaneous medicines. caring@home resources, applicable to all jurisdictions in Australia, include: Guidelines for the handling of palliative care medicines in community services developed by NPS MedicineWise A template example policy and procedure for organisations to tailor and guide the operational implementation of the resources The palliMEDS app for prescribers Online education modules for nurses concerning training of carers A comprehensive caring@home package for carers that contains step-by-step guides, a diary, videos, a practice demonstration kit and a colour coded labelling system. caring@home is evidence-based and facilitates high-value care; it supports person-centred outcomes and improves service performance efficiency and effectiveness. National implementation of the project is proceeding apace. To date, more than 250 community services have ordered the free resources. Preliminary evaluation by the University of Technology indicates the project has significantly improved community nurses’ knowledge, skills and confidence in providing palliative care for community-based patients. === Why do in-home care workers not report hazards and what we can do about it? Mrs Aideen Gallagher1, Mrs Emma Small (Risk Managed) Abstract: In home care providers assist people with the tasks of daily living they are unable to do for themselves. These are usually very private and necessary activities of daily living including getting out bed, having a shower, going to the toilet and getting dressed. The provision of personal care services is a risky business with high rates of injuries amongst workers. 29% of all injuries in the workplace are a result of musculo-skeletal injuries. These can also affect clients as moving incorrectly can contribute to pressure injuries, pain and discomfort. These injuries not only affect workers and consumers, but damage the financial viability and brand of a business. A key component in addressing these risks, is knowing what they are. Once the risk is known, it can then be assessed and subsequently controlled. This demands the workers on the ground to report these risks however, there is a significant underreporting of hazards from workers in the home environment. This is despite the known high-risk environment and complexity of the tasks these workers do everyday. This paper will present the research literature to understand why in-home care workers don’t report hazards. It will explain the social and emotional elements at play within this environment. It will outline what a provide can do to encourage these workers to report. Delegates will leave the workshop with tips on how to enhance their hazard reporting system within their business. === Self-management in home care packages: friend or foe? Abstract Ms Anna Millicer (COTA Australia, MELBOURNE, Australia), Ms Carmel Laragy (RMIT University – Social & Global Studies Centre, MELBOURNE, Australia) Abstract: Many consumers and carers are seeking more autonomy in the day-to-day management of their package, but current models often fall short of meeting consumer expectations. This complete self-management model delivers the goods, and includes capacity building and upskilling of consumers and carers to prepare them for what’s involved. For providers, the COTA Australia model offers a guide to implementing high-level self-management which meets consumer needs and aligns with the Aged Care Quality Standards. PRESENTATION PRECIS: COTA Australia has completed the Increasing Self-management in Home Care project trial. The project builds on feedback from older people that most consumer directed care offerings do not go far enough in giving consumers meaningful choice, autonomy or control. The findings offer an evidence-based, objective evaluation of a complete self-management model, customised for home care packages. Funded under a DACS Innovation Grant, COTA Australia’s self-management model was designed and tested by consumers, carers and providers to reflect the unique context of the Australian home care packages program. Internationally, self-management and increased consumer control models have revolutionised the delivery of social care programs. Characteristics of the COTA self-management model are: the use of a debit card to allow consumers more direct control of their funding; online and mobile phone access to home care budget and spending statements; option to select, employ, roster and pay their choice of support worker; transparent access and input into care planning; increased objectivity in decision-making over approved purchases; mutual and collaborative partnership between consumers and providers including joint responsibilities and formal self-management agreement; access to helpful people and resources. RMIT University evaluated the trial using surveys and telephone interviews. The presentation will deliver research outcomes, participant and provider case studies, and highlight the practical tools and resources developed in trial, all of which will be made freely available to delegates. The project’s risk management approach focusing on compliance and alignment to Aged Care Quality Standards will be explored. VALUE TO DELEGATES: Self-management for consumers of home care is a hot topic in the sector and attracts a great deal of interest and discussion amongst providers and consumers. COTA Australia’s evidence based self-management model explores the challenges, benefits, risks and overall outcomes of seven approved providers and 100 consumers as they test the boundaries of self-managed home care packages. The project outcomes deliver enormous value to the sector by making all the project tools and resources freely available for providers to integrate into their existing home care model. Resources designed and tested by consumers, for consumers, are also available at no cost and assist in defining a consistently applicable model that resonates with providers and consumers alike. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Transformation… Sadler, Donaldson | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION19 | Sparking Change: Transforming an Aged Care Provider Mr Paul Sadler (Presbyterian Aged Care NSW & ACT, Strawberry Hills) Abstract: Precis: How do you transform a 76 year old church aged care organisation into a modern, versatile provider able to respond to unprecedented government policy changes and market pressures? This presentation outlines how Presbyterian Aged Care (PAC) has responded to this challenge. It will cover: – Development of a strategic vision. – Organisational change to adopt a One PAC model. – A focus on a People & Culture Strategy with a human capital management system we have called Spark. – How we have deployed technology to assist. – Some of the barriers to progress we’ve experienced and how we are working around them. We will feature The Terraces Paddington, a $150 million integrated care and accommodation project at the historic Scottish Hospital site in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs, as a case study of how our new model is working in practice. Value to delegates: – Practical example of transformation in the context of the Royal Commission and aged care reforms. – Case study of a state-of-the-art integrated retirement living, home care and residential care service. – Touches on all 3 ACSA Summit themes. === Sparking the next generation of aged care: an innovative model for attracting young people to the aged care workforce. Mrs Anna Donaldson (Lively, Fitzroy, Australia) Abstract: Building the aged care workforce to keep pace with future demand is a recognised priority for Australia’s aged care sector. Yet attracting young people into aged care continues to be a significant challenge. Lively is a not-for-profit organisation working hard to find a solution – with exciting results to date. Lively trains and employs young jobseekers to provide meaningful support to older people who need a hand, and engages older people to share skills, experience and knowledge back with the young. Having started with a technology help service that employs young people to help older people build digital skills, Lively is now developing an innovative intergenerational home care model that employs young people to provide home care services to older community members, while also enabling older people to support and contribute to the development of the young. The organisation has received over 2000 applications from young people aged 18-25 for approximately 50 roles to date. And the demand just keeps growing. Through the model, Lively aims to build connection and understanding across the generations, improve service delivery and wellbeing for older community members, and provide meaningful employment for young jobseekers. Crucially, however, it is also uncovering answers to how we might attract young people into the sector of the future. In this presentation, CEO Anna Donaldson will share Lively’s learning to date and the implications for the industry. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Governance…A Goldsworthy, Koumoukelis | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION04 | Beyond Director’s Duties, Mental Models for Directors
Mr Aaron Goldsworthy (Australian Strategic Services, Romsey, Australia)
Beyond director’s duties, mental models for directors
The past decade has seen boards, committees of management, councils or similar named groups of individuals move from the processes and behaviours of managers managing a service to the processes and behaviours of directors governing an organisation. To this end there has been much focus on duties that the law proscribes for directors or similar positions. While knowledge and understanding of director’s duties is critical they provide little in the way of guidance to an individual of what the work of a director involves or how to effectively go about the work of the director.
Directors of not for profit aged care organisations must be more than just minders of a service or set of services. Directors, whether paid or unpaid, must be visionaries, entrepreneurs, forward thinkers and strategists to ensure that their organisation not only survives but thrives in an environment characterised by technological innovation, continual shifts in government policy and increasing customer expectations and control.
Leading directors build successful and sustainable organisations through the application of mental models (ways of thinking) that go beyond just their director’s duties. From understanding the organisation’s core business and the types of value the organisation delivers aligned to that core business to the role of systems, the stages of quality and more this presentation will explore mental models and associated tools and processes that can assist directors strengthen and enhance their organisation and ultimately what they deliver for their customers.
This presentation will provide delegates with:
– understanding of the work involved in being a director and how to effectively go about the work of the director; and
– the mental models (ways of thinking) adopted by leading directors to build successful and sustainable organisations.
Interpreting and implementing the single Aged Care Quality Standards, Governance a board/CEO perspective – is my house safe?
Mr Arthur Koumoukelis (Thomson Geer)
A Board’s primary function is to set the strategy and vision of an organisation and employ a CEO to implement and manage that strategy. Board members and CEOs owe duties and carry responsibilities under the Corporations Act. Not for profit organisations carry additional obligations under the ACNC regime. The single Aged Care Quality Standards marks a change in the obligations of approved providers under the Aged Care Act to an outcomes focus rather than an action plan. It reflects a fundamental shift of aged care viewed simply as a benevolent, social service to a serious, accountable and transparent business funded by and accountable to the Australian taxpayer. The temptation for an approved provider is to summarise the Guidelines and respond to the obligations imposed by adopting a rigid risk matrix approach. The concern of board members and senior management of non compliance is that they are held personally responsible and put their own assets at risk. This presentation will look at the Standards through the prism of what boards do, the role of the CEO and how organisations meet their strategy and satisfy the Standards. It will look at the challenges faced by organisations that have limited access to assistance such as regionals, the importance of skill based boards and the emerging role of external support structures such as industry associations, that may be utilised.
Outcomes and value
Participants will gain an understanding that compliance can’t be a tick box approach and that it may be necessary for organisations say no to resident wants If the business can’t supply it or can’t afford it. This is relevant to organisations to balance purpose with capacity to providers which fits within both the Purpose and Performance aspects of the Summit
The objective is to assist board members and CEOs to look at the Standards from the board member/CEO perspective and distil:
what needs to be done,
what are the guiding principles
what do you do if you can’t do it all
Business Improvement
The presentation will assist boards and management to understand and develop strategies to implement the purpose of the Standards rather than the literal application and response to each element of the Standards.
The objective is to assist board members and CEOs to look at the Standards from the board member/CEO perspective and distil:
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![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Business Modelling… Corderoy, Donohoo | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION20 | Profit For Purpose Mr Grant Corderoy (StewartBrown, Chatswood, Australia) The not-for-profit sector is under increasing public and legislative scrutiny. The lines between what is the mission purpose and what profit needs to be achieved has blurred, and this can affect future strategic decisions. We examine the NFP aged care sector and the financial performance and compare to the for-profit providers and identify areas of differences and commonality. This then allows for important decisions to be made by not-for-profit providers as to what resources need be targeted to achieving an appropriate and sustainable profit and what can be properly directed to mission based activities. Grant Corderoy, Senior Partner of StewartBrown has over 40 years’ experience within the charity sector in a variety of capacities and together with the recent analysis derived from the StewartBrown Aged Care Financial Performance Survey will provide contemporary insights into the ongoing challenge of margin versus mission. ==== Integrating Wellness into Home Services: The BaptistCare approach. Mrs Nicole Donohoo (BaptistCare NSW & ACT, Sydney, Australia) Abstract: BaptistCare Home Services is dedicated to facilitating our customers to incorporate person-centred wellness activities into their daily routines, and ensuring our staff are appropriately trained to support customers to do this. The wellness activities are crucial to empower our customers to maintain or enhance their abilities, and minimise the impact of physical and cognitive changes on these customers as they age. In acknowledgment of the significant contribution that physical function makes in supporting older people to remain at home, BaptistCare is currently trialing a physical wellness program with our customers in the South Western region of Sydney. This evidence-based program, Active at Home, incorporates exercises focused on improving strength and balance and is delivered by care workers who have successfully completed a mandatory accredited training unit. The program was developed by the Brisbane North PHN and Burnie Brae, a QLD based NFP organisation. In addition to describing BaptistCare’s experience with the roll-out of the Active at Home program, this presentation will also outline other initiatives BaptistCare has adopted over the past 12 months to further embed wellness into our service delivery and offerings. These include the employment of a dedicated role to spearhead our wellness approach, a re-alignment of our marketing and messaging, and enhanced training programs for our direct care staff. A brief exploration of the positive impact on staff of working within a wellness framework will also be discussed, as well as strategies we plan to implement in the future to further consolidate this approach. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Community… Sealey, Guy, Olsen | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION05 | People + Purpose = Performance Ms Marita Sealey (Jewish Care Victoria, Melbourne, Australia) Abstract: Jewish Care Victoria is a faith-based, not for profit organisation which provides a wide range of social support services including community aged care. This division services over 3000 clients with approximately 300 staff. The introduction of client controlled funding in February 2017 provided a wake-up call for the Board and Executive that the old way of doing business, whilst having served the community well, would not be sustainable into the future. The decision was made to rebrand and restructure community aged care to improve focus on the client/consumer/customer and ensure customer service carried just as much weight as client care and ensure that Jewish Care Victoria would have a successful, sustainable business into the future. From May 2018 community aged care was re-branded as Active Living Services and we commenced making the changes required to support success and sustainability. Those changes included: A new structure New staff roles New lines of responsibility Different expectations of staff in terms of skills and attributes needed for the future business New approach to ‘onboarding’ clients Improving client communication and information pathways This presentation aims to highlight key parts of the transition project with an emphasis on: The structure designed on the client journey Skills and attributes required for new roles The challenges in undertaking a major change project whilst delivering ‘business as usual’ Business efficiencies The courage required to think differently Where we started and where we have got to today. Relationship to ACSA 2019 National Summit and delegates All aged care providers needing to reassess how they respond to the changing aged care environment This paper illustrates one organisations response to the emerging scenarios focusing on the human aspects of the business === Is there a place in the Aged Care industry for Volunteers? Mrs Tammie Guy (Comlink, Sunshine Coast, Australia) Abstract: While the Aged Care sector attracts almost 250,000 direct care employees in Australia, it continues to face a serious skills shortage. Furthermore, meeting the genuine needs of our clients requires a stable workforce, and this stability can be difficult to maintain as funding changes and the sector lives under a media microscope. Doing ‘more with less ’ now appears to be a proprietary discipline. So, is there a meaningful place for volunteers in our industry? Statistics show Australia has a rich volunteering community, with millions of volunteers giving up their time to support and assist sporting clubs, children’s services, religious groups and emergency services. However, Aged Care continues to be a neglected pathway, despite the fact that volunteers often include highly-skilled, educated people looking to make a difference in the world. Could a creative, evidence-based approach to engaging volunteers be part of the Aged Care sector of the future? In this session, we will explore: The positive impact volunteering can have on our clients and our industry as a whole, including the purposeful roles a volunteer might play within our industry How research demonstrates that volunteering can have a positive effect on the mental health and wellbeing of both the volunteers and clients The financial return on investment for building a structured volunteer program, and a case study of how volunteers stretch the funding dollar even further Contemporary strategies for attracting cross-generational volunteers to what can be perceived as a ‘dull and grey industry’. === Mosaic: Empowering LGBTI People to Better Plan Their Ageing Ms Kimberly Olsen (Uniting, Sydney, Australia) Abstract: Mosaic represents an exemplar of Voice of Customer, a human-centred design approach applied to person centred care. Mosaic is an app designed for and by the LGBTI communities to empower them to better plan their ageing, to involve their families of choice, care teams and aged care organisations in that process. Using a semi-agile human-centred design process, Uniting demonstrates how working with community can deliver an exemplar in voice of customer. Mosaic has been nominated for two Good Design Awards. Kimberly is Project Officer- Service Excellence at Uniting, where she is responsible for the provision of project, change and coaching expertise in the delivery and adoption of LGBTI specific learning strategies resulting in more informed decisions, better access and culturally appropriate aged care service provision. She is also founder and CEO of Trans Employment program Australia, a program to improve recruitment opportunities for trans and gender diverse people. Kimberly has spoken at many events and seminars on gender diversity, women in leadership and LGBTI Inclusion and privilege. She has provided thought leadership on many diversity topics and has been a subject matter expert on the Rainbow Tick accreditation and the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people within the workforce. She has insights that would be hard to attribute to others on gender diversity having worked and conversed much of her adult life presenting as a man and then experiencing the loss of privilege as a woman. | ||
![]() | Aged & Community Services Australia National Awards… Bodycoat | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION21 | |||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Consumer… Rungie, Ong, Ogden | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION06 | I am not a consumer – I am a person. In this modern age, it is becoming increasingly important to engage older people in the design and development of products and services so they continue to feel valued. Dr Mike Rungie (GCMA, Tonsley, Australia) Abstract: Australia has a global role to play in developing innovative products and services for a growing ageing population. With the proportion of Australians aged over 65 continuing to increase, due in part to higher standards of health care, businesses have a greater need to ready themselves to better understand this growing but diverse group Launched in October 2018, the Global Centre for Modern Ageing (GCMA) provides a living laboratory (dubbed LifeLab), paired with research, insights and advisory services to businesses, organisations and government to help bust ageing myths and assist clients develop better products, services and solutions to meet the needs and wants of those over 65. A first of its kind in Australia, the LifeLab hosts innovative initiatives including developing solutions that increase mobility, reduce isolation, address nutrition needs and allow people to enjoy a better quality of life. This workshop focuses on the business imperative and the possibilities of co-creation and co-design. Co-creation and co-design methods provide opportunities for businesses and end-users to collaborate together, ensuring that older people feel valued and heard, and that companies truly understand the needs and wants of this unique group. Hear from international expert, Dr Mike Rungie, as she shares insights and case studies which highlight the power of seeing people and not consumers and how co-design improves user experience, reduces market risk and often leads to better concepts leading to an increase in demand. ==== The bedrock of compliance – Consumer Dignity and Choice Miss Katrina Ong (Prideliving Group Pty Ltd, Level 19 567 Collins Street Melbourne, Australia) Abstract: Partnering with the Consumers has been part of the NSQHS the past 6 years. In this session, we will take a deep dive into what we can we learn from the Healthcare sector to assist providers transition to a consumer-driven environment under the new Aged Care Quality Standards Consumer experience is the collage of memories and feelings about the interactions between an organisation and a consumer throughout that relationship. Good consumer experience occurs when the individual’s overall experience matches or exceeds the individual’s expectations. With increasing, consumer and regulator expectations organisations need to understand the consumer experience along their journey of interactions with the organisation. Understanding the consumer journey begins with knowing your model of care and what this looks like for the customer. This session will provide delegates with: An overview of how different public and private health services integrated and applied strategies to create distinct models of care. Examples of how they implemented their model of care. Similarities and differences that can be applied to the aged care setting Practical tips on what the aged care sector can learn from the health care sector. Examples of insightful measures of outcomes and means of collecting and analysing data about consumer experience As aged care is entering a new arena, the things that got providers where they are will not help them navigate this new world. Now more than ever providers need to learn from those who have done this before. While Healthcare and Aged Care each have their unique complexities, both have an interdependent relationship with mandated standards which govern the outcomes of how they partner with consumers in a way that shows dignity and respect. Katrina will share her experience as both a Community Representative for one of Melbourne’s largest metropolitan public health services and a consultant with substantial experience in the residential Aged Care sector. ==== Turning feedback within the sector from a negative to a positive and how you can take back control. Mr Mark Ogden (Dps Publishing, Adelaide, Australia) Abstract: There is a crisis of confidence in the sector, and this has resulted in a demand for transparency. As consumers look to provide feedback, they are utilising platforms such as Facebook, Google and Twitter to deliver their message. This feedback is often difficult to manage, respond to or even track, but it is easily findable for those searching for information at the decision making stage of their journey into aged care. With more than 1.8 million Australian aged care consumers each year utilising the DPS Guide to Aged Care, and with 100% of aged care providers listed with us, we have a unique perspective in the sector, understanding the needs and wants of both consumers and providers alike. Through our partnership with Care Opinion, the leading health consumer feedback platform in Australia & UK, we have established the only purpose-built, and industry endorsed, comprehensive consumer feedback management platform for aged care in Australia. This presentation will cover: – what is most important to consumers – what feedback is already being captured – how providers are taking back control and not only protecting their reputation, but enhancing it. The information covers components of all three themes of the ACSA Summit, and in particular, PEOPLE. Not every consumer feedback platform is created equal – what makes Care Opinion on AgedCareGuide so unique is that it is a consumer-centric system, not an organisation-centric system. Example: We talk about the CEO of a large care provider: he was doing what many organisations are currently doing, using real-time hand-held data-gathering methods and getting dashboards of results. But when he began implementing Care Opinion, he discovered a whole new way of connecting with the community in a transparent way. He said that surveys ask things that the organisation wants to hear and gather, but Care Opinion starts with what the consumer wants to say, which is often very different from what organisations want to ask them. The first 10 stories he received via Care Opinion gave him new insights that he could act on that the previous 150,000 consumer surveys hadn’t. Proven outcomes of successfully implementing a consumer feedback management system include; Not only protect reputation but enhance it through moderation, training & support. Connect with the community in a transparent and constructive way. Reduce formal complaints by up to 50%. Compliant with the new Quality Standard 6. Increased staff engagement. Improved lead generation through consumer search & select process. Operational improvements driven by consumer experience. Data-driven insights through comprehensive reporting. Validation of staff training & development impact through consumer data delivered seamlessly through alerts. | ||
![]() | Presentation... Margelis; Keynote Presentation... Swerissen; Keynote Presentation... Harcourt | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION22 | What can the Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council do for you - Dr George Margelis (Independent Chair, Aged Care Industry Information Technology Council) Aged care policy: Past, present & future - Professor Hal Swerissen (Fellow, Health Program, GRATTAN Institute) Organisational Governance and Performance – Leading from the top - Victor Harcourt (Principal, Russell Kennedy Lawyers) | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Leadership… Eadie, Rocks, Armour | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION07 | Performance in the face of adversity – Strategies to modify behaviour and create an environment of success Mr Andrew Eadie (Realise Performance, Norwest, Australia) Abstract: “Create an environment where you cannot help but be successful”. Rugby World Cup winning coach Rod Macqueen used this philosophy to create triumph in the sporting arena and was the cornerstone of his business success. This presentation will explore the barriers to organisational performance when providing care for older Australians. Andrew will share personal examples that have motivated organisations to change their approach to business, overcome adversity and meet their challenges head on. Visionary leaders can anticipate impending challenges and put in place plans to modify organisational behaviour to meet future performance outcomes. Waiting for a disaster to initiate change is often too late. Person centred leadership creates a culture of feedback, acceptance of mistakes and a focus on continuous improvement. Andrew will also present case studies that highlight how this change can be made and the support required to transform the performance of individuals to meet the needs of those they care for. ==== ‘Not on My Watch’ – exploring the depths of open disclosure Mrs Wendy Rocks (Lutheran Aged Care, Albury, Australia) Abstract: The horror stories and media expose occur in ‘other organisations’ We would all agree on that! Oh yes we smile and say to each other, on any one day in aged care that could happen in any organisation but we don’t really believe that. Quietly hugged to our self we mentally tick off the systems and methods of accountability our organisation has in place, and also hope that in the absence of us personally checking everything every day, the lesson we have attempted to instill, the team we have built, the trust we have for our managers and staff, the reports we receive and read, are the reassuring ‘evidence’ that indeed it cannot happen in our organisation. And we continue to hope and hold our breath! Our board have the same confidence, we made sure of that;but a sneaking thought comes into our head ‘ what if that deliberate building of confidence’ was shattered by the unthinkable as it has been exposed to occur in other organisation. We may have a flurry of activity strengthening systems we feel is necessary, grabbing onto some new idea we have heard at a forum or conference; but then the world moves on, in particular aged care moves on … rapidly and we are once again caught up in the minutiae of day to day management of change which is the agenda for every day in this industry….and sometimes a gap opens up or widens which may become our Waterloo! ==== Ask More. Tell Less: Creating Fearless Cultures and saving the world Ms Corrinne Armour (Corrinne Armour Pty Ltd, Caulfield South, Australia) Abstract: PRECIS True leadership requires a new and innovative approach. It’s a tough gig! Boosting engagement, building accountability, fostering creativity are still the cornerstones of brilliant leadership, but today’s rapidly changing landscape requires more. Do you have a sense that you as a leader and your people could do better and achieve more? Bringing out the best in your people can be challenging and time consuming. The gap between potential and actual performance of your leaders can have a dramatic impact on delivery, engagement, and care. As leaders in the caring profession, our desire to solve problems for our people can often drive us to help too hard. This powerful keynote inspires leaders at all levels to deliver superior results by learning a few simple techniques that promote initiative and enhance ingenuity. Your audience will hear incredible stories as Corrinne shares transformational insights into brain science, that will shift your ‘ask/tell ratio’ to connect deeply, lead fearlessly and achieve results. Afraid to listen – Ask more. Corrinne’s held leadership roles in the aged care corporate sector and the corporate sector, and she’s well versed in leadership theory. Yet some of her strongest learning (and greatest stories) have come from living and working in a jungle refugee camp on the edge of a war zone. Married to an ex-guerrilla fighter, Corrinne’s faced some serious obstacles and overcome them, learning much about leadership on the way. VALUE This keynote will: Promote a NEW kind of leadership Move people from complacency to collective power Help leaders understand why telling is not the answer Empower the audience to build curiosity and sit comfortably with uncertainty Leave people inspired to lead their own quest to follow their purpose and save the world With a focus on PURPOSE, PEOPLE and PERFORMANCE, Corrinne can deliver this as an oral presentation or a workshop. With knowledge of the aged care sector developed over more than 15 years (including at Board level), she brings ideas from other sectors to complement the inherent strengths of the aged care industry. Developing high functioning leadership, directly affects the ability of the whole to deliver sustainable person-centred leadership and care customer service. The more aligned and cohesive the teams the greater the throughput and output. Everyone has a positive mindset, feeling heard, valued and productive, which is so important especially while the Royal Commission brings more focus on the sector and its people. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Technology… Mulheran, Strange | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION23 | Robots handling the menial jobs so you can excel at meeting Quality Standards Mrs Leonie Mulheran (Lamson Concepts, Milperra, Australia) Abstract: DESCRIPTION: To create a person-centred approach in meeting Quality Standards and then maintain them 24hrs a day, organisations must remove menial tasks and give staff the time to do this. Staff activities that are not directly care based, must be automated. Robots can remove manual and low-value add activities the aged care staff currently perform, allowing them to spend more time with the residents that will deliver greatest benefits. This is the break through that aged care needs allowing staff to excel in quality care. ABSTRACT: Robotics such as those used for automating trolley transport in aged care have direct impacts on standards 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The time it takes to transport trolleys can be between 8-20hrs/day. Meals, linen, clothing, medical supplies and waste are no longer transported manually (up to 7,000 klms/year) so staff can stay in their work area without leaving for supplies. In addition to this improvement in resident safety and supervision, staff have more time with residents to deliver care, improve meal quality and enhance laundry services. Automating transport also increases frequency of waste/dirty linen removal, reduces the size and noise of trolleys used in the facility and eradicates unsightly damage to walls. Automation using robots with laser guidance also reduces the risk of infection with less touch points (doors, handles, railings and lift controls) and reduces the risk of trolleys colliding with residents, therefore reduces the risk of resident injury. ==== Next Generation Technology on Falls Prevention Steven Strange 5 things the audience will learn Using data in the context of ‘falls prevention’ How advanced analytics can be used to ‘predict falls’ Why all staff should be empowered to access data How technology needs to adapt with the aging population Potential cost savings via smart technologies Presentation Abstract There are now social and (importantly) financial incentives for the elderly to stay in their homes longer (Home Care) by receiving the required services they may once have only been able to get from a Residential Aged Care (RAC) facility. There is no doubt that there are positive financial outcomes for the tax payer that come via the government’s policy framework (to incentivise the elderly to stay in their homes longer). That notwithstanding, as with any policy driven approach, there can be unintended consequences. One of these is that citizens are entering RAC at higher levels of acuity. That is, they are staying in their homes longer, much longer than they would have twenty or more years ago. Add to that, people in Australia are, on average, living longer. Which means that post 80, they have a longer stretch of frailty, on the assumption that they are living longer than previous averages. Thus, the context of people entering RAC at an older age and further, being frailer (logically) at the same time, means that this in itself increases the frequency or likelihood of increased risk of falls and some of which (a subset), will be preventable. Resident falls within Residential Aged Care (RAC) are a significant problem. “Avoidable falls” is a problem worth solving. Any reduction in avoidable falls will have a large and positive societal outcome. The families win, the resident wins, the provider (owner of the RAC Facility) wins and importantly, the tax payer wins (reduced number of hospital visits, etc.). Technologies need to conceptualise the development of product/systems/processes that target the prevention of avoidable falls. That is, beyond predictive reporting/systems to preventative analytics. Advance analytics delivered via new technologies, could be designed in such a way that the industry (context) would have an opportunity to benefit from predictive analytics (data sets) that can be “morphed” into a set of prevention strategies. That is, prevention of a large percentage of avoidable falls. This technology may take the form of “apps” or other delivery vehicles. Next generation technology not only provides new opportunities in regards to mitigating risk factors but also can present high risk resident alerts in real time (on line) to care workers and other stakeholders. In order to present credible risk (real time prevention), one has to also account for data feeds from the “care floor”. That is, operational inputs/data feeds. Care staff and executives should be able to manage aggregated/consolidated events in real time, whilst ensuring policy and compliance are met. In addition, care staff could see – in real time – the policy impact of a specific resident who, for example, has had more than a certain number of falls within a given period of time. The policy impact manifests as a generated clinical pathway which provides appropriate care tasks and accountabilities for the resident. The potential cost savings for aged care providers who appropriately use data are enormous, as more effective preventative strategies will help mitigate the cost of care and services associated with fall related injury in older people (as one example). | ||
![]() | Aged & Community Services Australia National Awards... Stewart; Keynote Presentation... Hollo | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION08 | Aged & Community Services Australia National Awards Innovation in Service or Design Award Regional, Rural and Remote Provider of the Year Award Provider of the Year Award Deanne Stewart, Chief Executive Officer, First State Super & Pat Sparrow, CEO, Aged & Community Services Australia Your Vital Purpose: If ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast’, why purpose trumps both - Andrew Hollo (Director and Principal Consultant, Workwell Consulting) | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Culture…Sewell, Pannuzzo | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION24 | Developing a resilient aged care culture. The Warrigal Way – 5 years on. Mr Mark Sewell1 (Warrigal, Illawarra and Southern Highlands, Australia) Abstract: Précis: If Peter Drucker is correct and “culture eats strategy for breakfast” how much long term planning and programming have we done to objectively measure the ups and downs of an aged care organisation’s culture? This presentation will show data from 5 years of staff surveys across the 12 locations in a dispersed NFP regional provider with 1100 staff. The data will bust a few culture myths and set some new rules such as: – Don’t ask staff what they want. – Dont expect more than 3 things from staff. – Keep going despite the resistance. – Top down is the only way. The value of the info: All teams need an intentional culture that attracts the right people and repels the wrong people to achieve organisational success. Warrigal developed the program with the help of an international culture and leadership development firm and calls the 3 behaviours that all its staff must model, all the time, to everyone.. The Warrigal Way. Outcomes: 15 staff surveys over 5 years with extensive trend data showing the progress of the culture journey. It can be fascinating to see different service types, different times of the year, the effects of external events such as the Aged Care Royal Commission etc, all shown to have an effect on a systematic exposure of the culture of the organisation throughout the very interesting journey so far. ==== Risk and performance: Taking a holistic approach to your workplace culture Ms Anna Pannuzzo (WorkPlacePLUS, Melbourne, Australia) Abstract: Precis It can take 3-5 years to create a long-lasting positive change to workplace culture but only a couple of days to ruin it. It’s important for leadership to be proactive in fostering the workplace culture, rather than letting it evolve without direction or intention. If you ignore your workplace culture, it will turn toxic. That’s why attending to your workplace culture on a regular basis should be a fundamental part of your risk management plan. A healthy workplace culture allows aged care providers to deliver sustainable, quality services. This presentation outlines how to take a holistic approach to achieving your desired organisational culture, while concurrently addressing standards 6, 7 and 8 of the new Aged Care Quality Standards. Description: Taking a holistic approach to your workplace culture means looking at the whole picture and using a range of tools and strategies. This presentation introduces six key focus areas for ensuring that your culture and services are continuously improving. To help you address the new Aged Care Quality Standards, this presentation provides tips and tools on leadership (standard 8 – organisational governance”), workforce (standard 7 – human resources), and communication (standard 6 – feedback and complaints) with a particular focus on effective performance management. Key Takeaways: Learning the six key components to a healthy workplace culture Tips on how to build the right team for your organisation Advanced communication tools such as the FOCR Feedback Model Tips for effective performance management | ||
![]() | My Home Life… Meyer | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION09 | Professor Julienne Meyer CBE is a registered nurse and qualified teacher, who leads Research and Development in Care for Older People at City, University of London. In 2006, she founded My Home Life (www.myhomelife.org.uk), a collaborative initiative to promote quality of life in care homes for older people. My Home Life began as a small project to synthesise the literature on what older people want from and what works in care homes. Since then, it has developed into a social movement for quality improvement in care homes that has spread across national and international borders. Julienne has a worldwide reputation for expertise in action research, qualitative methods and aged care. She is Vice Chair of the Global Ageing Network and currently holds Adjunct Professorships with the University of South Australia, Adelaide and Griffith University, Brisbane. Her style of working is evidence-based, relationship-centred, appreciative, and action oriented. She has worked in a variety of different settings (health, social care, and housing; general and mental health; primary, secondary and tertiary care) and across a number of traditional boundaries (public and private; policy and practice; research and education). She is passionate about addressing inequalities not only for those who receive health and social care, but also, for those who provide it. In 2015, the Queen awarded her a CBE in recognition for her contribution to older people and nursing. More recently, the University of London named her as one of their 150 leading women (1868-2018). Retiring this year, she hopes to continue to make a difference to the lives of frail older people by setting up a charity to support the impact and spread of My Home Life across the globe. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Community… Morris, Alushaj & Seach & England | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION25 | How do we develop and maintain a quality regional and remote and culturally appropriate workforce strategy to assist with the demands of the current and future workforce? Ms Sally Morris (Crest NT, Nightcliff, Australia) Abstract: The workshop In the workshop delegates will get the opportunity to look at regional and remote models that have been developed and implemented and are proving to be successful. Workshop We will then move into a hands-on interactive workshop around exploring work force opportunities in regard to how some of the current initiatives can work in your organisation and the benefits of a regional workforce model. Where working together in regional and remote locations is imperative. How this can be done and the success and challenges? Whilst at all times focusing on ensuring that in thin markets we are providing culturally appropriate services? Outcomes Delegates will take away solutions and key messages as to how they can overcome some of the workforce issues faced in regional and remote locations ==== The Role of Transportation in ageing well Miss Melinda Alushaj (Uniting Residential & Health Care, Leichhardt , Australia) Renee England (Residential for Sydney South East) Elise Seach (Uniting Residential & Health Care, Leichhardt , Australia) Abstract: One of the greatest barriers for older Australians to accessing and maintaining daily activities, leisure pursuits and hobbies is transportation, especially for those in aged care. It can be hard to maintain due to a number of reasons such as a decline in acuity, loss of family / carer and increased specialised care needs. We found the need to develop a transport system in our area, servicing 17 residential aged care homes to remove disadvantage in regards to mobility, understanding the impact it can have on a person’s autonomy and independence hence affecting their well-being. Homes within our area have residents with various care needs; to create a transport system that could support this we used the principles of the Community Engagement Framework. It showed us the importance of providing a responsive, supportive, enabling and flexible system that provided door-to-door service, having a flexible-enabling system not just a ‘one size fits all’ there will be less risk of residents being excluded and disengaged. The aim of the transport system was to help and encourage our residents to stay connected and continue to enjoy their daily routines and lifestyle pursuits in and outside of their homes. | ||
![]() | Panel Session – Meeting Diverse Needs in Aged Care... Mares, Deschepper, Patetsos, Bath | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION10 | Australia’s population is diverse, and that diversity carries through our lives. Indeed, diversity may increase as we age, and our needs and capabilities change. The experts in this panel session will speak honestly about the challenges of delivering high-quality care in a manner that recognises and respects difference and is appropriate to changing needs and circumstances. The conversation will cover specific issues including dementia care, discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation, culturally appropriate care, and care in the context of growing inequality, poverty and homelessness. Moderator: Peter Mares, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership Panellists: Mary Patetsos, Chairperson, Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) Nicky Bath, Executive Director, National LGBTI Health Alliance Michael Deschepper, Deputy Chief Officer, Wintringham | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Ageing… O’Connell, Angdrew | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION26 | Assistive Technology – a significant resource in supporting ageing well and reablement
Ms Hilary O’Connell (Independent Living Centre WA, Perth,, Australia)
There is wide diversity among people as they age. Many people remain healthy and well into older age whereas others may start noticing the impact of long term conditions that can limit daily activities in some way from their 50’s. Some have greater intrinsic capacity to age well and some live in an enabling extrinsic environment that supports their functional capacity.
Positive and successful ageing theories focus on optimisation, resilience and building capacity to enable people to enhance quality of life. A 2018 study found firm evidence that Assistive Technology (AT) delivers independence, autonomy, safety and participation for consumers. Recognising that AT can bridge the gap between changing ability and continuing to manage for oneself (as opposed to struggling or relying on others) is a key stage in the process of obtaining it and successful usage.
This presentation will discuss work the ILCWA has been undertaking into developing accessible information that will help people as they age across the life course. Through digital access to information, support and resources and the input of personalised data, individuals will:
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![]() | Concurrent Sessions – CALD Community… Alushaj, Walia | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION11 | Atrium Installation Project Miss Melinda Alushaj, Community | Consumer Engagement1 & Miss Kerry Blake, Art Therapist (Uniting Residential & Health Care) Abstract The Atrium Installation is an innovative solution to a Residential Age Care Facilities’ aesthetic challenges coupled with a unique artistic project supporting CALD beliefs and identity, with ongoing benefits. We sought to devise a culturally specific project to enhance the site and improve the visual impact of a difficult outlook, onto brick walls and windows. We also took the opportunity to boost residents’ creativity, encourage engagement and increase the focus on residents’ capacities. The benefits of this project are ongoing, as artworks are changed according to seasonal and cultural celebrations, reflecting Chinese ‘folk traditions’, and western Christian traditions, as many older Chinese residents embrace both eastern and western beliefs. The Atrium Installation is a project with three parts. Firstly, with the design and construction of the installation device; Secondly the initial art project ‘Chains of Silver’ run in conjunction with the Community Artist and Art Therapist implemented over a ten-week period; and Thirdly, the ongoing project space where the Art Therapist and RAOs devise and instigate art projects then generated by residents themselves, and occasional family members, often using industrial discards and/or recycled materials. Biography Melinda has worked within the Aged Care sector for more than 20 years as a Diversional Therapist. She is passionate about consumer experience and engagement and ensuring that the person is the centre of everything we do. Melinda has been with Uniting for five years overseeing the Sydney South East region specialising community and consumer engagement. ==== Weaving a New Cloth: Adapting the Weavers carer peer support model within multicultural communities Dr Rosy Walia (Multicultural Care, Campsie, Australia) Abstract: In this presentation, Dr Rosy Walia (CEO) will explore: How Multicultural Care is adapting the Weavers carer peer support model for application within CALD communities using a co-design approach How evaluation is building an evidence-base What the initial findings tell us The presentation will include (either in person or via video) the personal perspectives of a Weaver/s volunteer/s and a carer/s. Multicultural Care (MC) is a well-established Sydney-based not-for-profit specialising in the support of older people and people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds. In 2018, with NSW Carer Investment funding, Multicultural Care commenced a two-year partnership with The Australian Centre for Social Innovation (TACSI), to adapt, implement and evaluate TACSI’s carer peer support model, Weavers, within multicultural communities. The Weavers model involves recruiting volunteers (Weavers) who use their personal caring experience as a resource to provide one-to-one peer support for other carers. The lived experience of the volunteers, together with a rigorous strength-based practice framework, delivers a powerful person-centred approach. Demonstrated carer outcomes include increased capacity to negotiate the service system, stronger community connections and improved emotional wellbeing. Whilst the Weavers model has been successful in a variety of settings, it has not been widely applied within multicultural communities. Whilst it is well-recognised that CALD carers experience multiple barriers in accessing support, there is no evidence-base to inform the development of effective strategies. This project aims to build an evidence-base to inform the future application of the Weavers model within CALD communities. Value of the information to the delegates and how it relates to the ACSA summit CALD clients are recognised as a “special needs” group in aged care due to the multiple barriers people from CALD backgrounds experience in accessing suitable care. This new project sheds light on access barriers and explores strategies for improved engagement and support which will be of value to conference participants. The Weavers peer support model will be of interest to other providers as it can be applied within other organisational and community settings. Our project is aimed at building an evidence-base to support the future adaptation and scale/spread of the model within CALD communities and beyond. The co-design approach is a model developed by TACSI aimed at finding workable solutions to complex issues, informed and shaped by those who are affected. The co-design approach has broad application in the design and development of new services. The project relates well to the conference themes (Purpose, People, Performance). It links to Purpose in that evaluation (of performance as well as social outcomes) is built into the project design and we will share some of the initial findings. It links to People in multiple ways. The model is co-designed with the end-users. It is a one-on-one strengths-based model. It delivers a totally person-centred approach built on the relationship between carer and volunteer. It relates to improved engagement with people from CALD backgrounds. It also relates to new approaches to volunteer recruitment, training and support. It links to Performance by exploring new approaches to service design and considering the broader implications of the project. Any outcomes of projects / business development Stage 1 and 2 of the Multicultural Weavers Implementation has now been conducted as the early development phase of the two-year partnership between The Australian Centre for Social Innovation and Multicultural Care. The aim of this phase of implementation is to strengthen and develop the capacity for Weavers within the organisation and to establish the conditions for successful roll out of the program. This has involved recruitment and training of the Local Connector and first cohort of Weaver volunteers. We have also developed processes and tools that support delivery, monitoring and evaluation of the program. A couple of matches have been done. It will be followed by mid term review to tweak the model further to suit the needs of CALD communities. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Standards… Bruckard & McKenna, Chen | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION27 | Professional Care Workers: Investing in our most valuable assets Mrs Connie Bruckard (Anglicare Tasmania Inc , Hobart, Australia) Mrs Janis McKenna (Elm Consulting Australia, Hobart, Australia) Abstract: Our care workers are our greatest assets and ambassadors. The way they deliver care and services play a critical role in meeting changing regulatory and consumer expectations. We expect so much from them, yet the workforce is large, fragmented, underpaid, and often with limited qualifications and opportunities for further development. It’s time we commit to our people by investing properly in their success. Elm Consulting Australia, in partnership with Anglicare Tasmania Inc., developed a practical, professional development program for home care workers that incorporates the new aged care standards and best practice research in exceptional customer experience, consumer-centricity, greater choice and wellness and reablement. The program is based on a Practice Framework with six focus areas: Values; Dignity and Respect; Partnership in Care; Exceptional Customer Experience; Wellbeing and Reablement; Professionalism and Team Work. Each focus area provides digestible explanations, practice statements, example behaviours (written in the words of aged care workers), case studies and reflective questions. The framework is delivered through a series of interactive workshops. The program can increase the confidence, skills, knowledge and attitudes of care workers in a way that is aligned to their personal values, meets regulatory standards and best practice, and emphasises the importance of their role as aged care professionals. The wellness of workers is enhanced, and they are likely to express genuine enjoyment for the job. For the organisation, the program can lead to higher attraction and retention rates, and more loyal, satisfied customers. Biographies: Connie Bruckard is General Manager of Aged and Home-Based Care Service with Anglicare Tasmania. She holds a Master of Business Administration from University of Tasmania, a Master of Health and Human Service Management from Deakin University and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Connie has 35 years’ experience working in the healthcare, aged and community sectors and is know for her strong strategic leadership, business acumen and management skills. She is a highly committed, people focused, and values driven professional with the capacity to analyse organisational strengths and drive change to achieve sustainable, appropriate outcomes. Connie is a respected thought leader with a commitment to championing a organisation’s vision, mission and values with strong stakeholder focus and a commitment to meeting and exceeding client expectations in the delivery of high-quality services, in tandem, with performance and expectation monitoring. Janis McKenna is founder and principal consultant of Elm Consulting Australia, a management consultancy partnering with the aged and community sectors to establish new governance structures, build strategies and capabilities that open new avenues for growth. Elm transforms organisations while staying true to their values and culture. Her business interests include part ownership of the Nyaho Medical Centre, the first private hospital in Accra Ghana, whose client base include, diplomatic missions, and large multinational corporations including Unilever, Nestle, Vodaphone, Barclays Bank and NGO’s including World Vision and Oxfam. She is a MBA and a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. As a highly respected advocate Janis has provided expert advice to two Tasmanian Premiers, Ministers of Health and Human Services (both Australian Commonwealth and Tasmanian State) and is a past Chairman of the Tasmanian Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs and a member of the Premiers Disability Advisory Council and Premiers National Disability Insurance Scheme taskforce. In 2009 Janis was recognized by the Australian business community for her leadership winning the prestigious Telstra Business Women’s Award in the Tasmanian Government and Community Category and the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Business Leader of the Year Award. She is passionate about developing people, particularly frontline team members. ==== How to implement an antibiotic stewardship program Caroline Chen (National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, Melbourne, Australia) Antibiotics are amongst the most frequently prescribed medications in Australian aged care homes. The most recent Aged Care National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey found the prevalence of residents prescribed at least one antimicrobial was 9.9%. If all topical antimicrobials were excluded, the prevalence was 6.7%. Antibiotic stewardship refers to a set of actions designed to reduce adverse events associated with antibiotic use. These adverse events can be especially significant for residents receiving care in aged care homes and include hypersensitivity reactions, drug toxicity, drug interactions and colonisation and/or infection with antibiotic resistant pathogens. For this reason, the new Aged Care Quality Standards aiming to promote optimal clinical care and reduce any adverse events require all Australian aged care homes to demonstrate implementation of an antibiotic stewardship program. There is no single template for an antibiotic stewardship program in an Australian aged care home. The complexity of decision making surrounding antibiotic use and the variability in the size and type of these homes requires flexibility in implementation. That said, there are core elements (leadership commitment, accountability, drug expertise, action, tracking, reporting and education) that should be considered. This workshop relates to the Summits’ sub-theme ‘Performance” and ‘Meeting the standards’. Examples of how the core elements and recommended strategies of an antibiotic stewardship program can be easily applied in different Australian aged care homes will be provided. All administrative and clinical participants will be encouraged to implement at least two strategies to start with and once these are established to include new strategies. Biography: Caroline Chen is an antimicrobial pharmacist at the National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship, and has previously held roles as the infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship pharmacists at the Royal Melbourne Hospital. She lead the establishment of the National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey (NAPS) program and currently works in developing electronic decision support programs to support antimicrobial stewardship in hospitals. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Internal Systems…Murray, Parkes | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION12 | |||
![]() | Panel Session – Innovators in Aged Care… Mares, Jahnke, Gray, Peace, Fergie | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION28 | Digital technology, robots, big data, AI and disruptive business models are transforming our world and aged care is on the front line. This panel will discuss some exciting prospects for transforming and improving care through the applications of smart technology, while remaining sceptical of the idea that a shiny new machine or a clever algorithm is always the best response to the challenges we face. Moderator: Peter Mares, Cranlana Centre for Ethical Leadership Panellists: Adam Jahnke, Co-Founder | Chief Executive Officer, Umps Health Chris Gray, Co-Founder, iCareHealth Karina Peace, Group ACFI Manager, JAPARA Healthcare Wendy Fergie, Aged Care Reference Committee for the Digital Health CRC | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Home Care… Hopkin, Somerville | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION13 | |||
![]() | ACSA 2019 – Complete set of all Sessions | $189.00 – $289.00 | | ACSA2019-COMPLETE | This is a complete set of recordings of all 29 sessions of the 32nd National Summit of ASCA - the leading peak body supporting more than 700 church, charitable and community-based organisations that provide accommodation and care services to more than 450,000 older Australians. Clear audio recording synchronised with the speakers' video presentation. | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Governance… Bailey, Dark | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION14 | |||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Equality… Slater, Collins | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION15 | I’m here, do you see me? Mrs Angela Slater (ACNA, Osborne Park, Australia) Abstract: Choice, control, independence, values, motivation and purpose – all words that can illicit images or judgements. What do each of these words truly mean in Aged Care? How are we connecting with people to support decision making about life changing events such as moving in to a residential facility, loss of spouse or adapting to a caring role. How do we see the person first, build resilience, encourage goals and aspirations that provide a sense of purpose, excitement and a sense of adventure when we have processes and systems at the core of our interactions? Connecting is at the core of human interaction yet for so many older Australians their voices are not heard, their desire to live their best life in a way that supports independence requires an empowering approach by every professional in the aged care system. So how do we do it? We step in to their shoes we experience life through their eyes, we promote dignity of risk, respect and individuality to ensure we are proactive in our engagements. “No decisions about me, without me” (Liberating the NHS, U.K. 2012) ACNA would like to take this opportunity to submerge you in to the world of promoting quality of life. The workshop would offer simulated learning opportunities that allow participants to experience life through the eyes of another human being. Workshop format: Simulated learning activity – Interpreting information during task analysis ==== “You can’t say that!” – Understanding and addressing the tricky issue of ‘benevolent ageism’ in aged care – and society at large. Andrew Collins (The Benevolent Society, Sydney, Australia) Abstract: ‘Ageism’ refers to prejudice, discrimination and mistreatment of an individual based solely upon their age. According to the WHO , “ageism is widespread and an insidious practice which has harmful effects on the health of older adults… Ageism is everywhere, yet it is the most socially ‘normalized’ of any prejudice, and is not widely countered”. In the aged care context, ageism is most readily associated with ‘malevolent’ expressions of neglect and abuse: physical, psychological, financial, sexual. But ageism also has positive or ‘benevolent’ expressions that may seem well-intentioned but are equally harmful. Demeaning language and expression often used in health and aged care settings presents a case in point. The phenomenon described as ‘elderspeak’ is characterised by the treatment of older people more as children than as adults. It includes the way communication is framed – like speaking for the person, describing certain behaviours (eg. expressions of love or sexual attraction, dancing, using social media) as ‘cute’ or ‘adorable’; and using the pronouns ‘we’, ‘us’, and ‘our’ in place of ‘you’ (“How are we going today?”). It can involve the use of pet names like ‘sweetie’ and ‘darling’, as well as slow, loud speech and a sing-song voice. Using engaging organisational theatre techniques, this interactive workshop will help participants to understand and identify benevolent forms of ageism. But importantly, it will empower participants to find new approaches to framing and delivering communication in care settings that ensure every client or resident’s dignity is respected and their human rights retained. Biography: Andrew Collins is the Executive Director, Ageing Services for the Benevolent Society, which operates a range of services for older people including; Home Care Packages, Respite Services and other home supports. Andrew is committed to providing services that allow people to live their best lives and has been working at this since he started as a Registered Nurse 24 years ago. Since then he has worked in leadership positions across the Government and NFP sectors including; the Department of Health and Ageing, the Office of the Registrar of Community Housing and Uniting Care NSW ACT. He holds a Bachelor of Nursing and Graduate Diploma in Public (Healthcare Management). | ||
![]() | Concurrent Sessions – Our People… Davies, Ansell | $13.00 – $20.00 | | ACSA2019-SESSION16 | Building resilient, agile and productive teams in the face of significant industry reform Ms Tegan Davies (The Oranges Toolkit, West Melbourne, Australia) Abstract: A royal commission, changing community expectations, an aging population, lack of skilled workers, constant change and funding pressures. Sounds bleak right?! This is exactly what many staff are worrying about, which negatively impacts both culture and the ability to deliver services and improve outcomes for consumers. Many organisations provide training on how to care for a palliative resident or manage behaviour of a person living with dementia, yet few providers train staff on how to cope with modern day stressors and how to embrace change more effectively. To ensure a better aging future and to redefine aged services we can apply the science of positive psychology to enhance employees’ ability to manage uncertainly and change, as well as other health and productivity benefits. The science is clear – when employees have strong wellbeing they are 6 x more engaged, 29% more productive, 45% more satisfied, 125% less likely to burn out and 32% less likely to quit. There are also 70% fewer safety incidents and 10% higher customer satisfaction. Learning should be fun, so the workshop will be highly engaging and insightful. There will be an opportunity to connect with others, plus a couple of tools to support participants own wellbeing. ==== People – Our Most Valuable Resource Cam Ansell (Ansell Strategic, Subiaco, Australia) Abstract: The Royal Commission has identified the greatest challenge facing the sector – our most precious resource is overworked, under-trained and largely unrecognised. While we focus intently on standards to address consumer requirements, is it realistic to assume that we can be consumer focused without addressing this burning issue? Can we reasonably expect client-centric services if we are not people-centric with those responsible for delivering those services? Ansell Strategic has recently conducted research across Australia and overseas as part of our Royal Commission submission of fixed staffing ratios. The research and work done by the ANMF shed illuminating insights on deficiencies in the current system and the strategies employed by industry leaders to support their people and recognise their contributions to our consumers. |